Posts by Chamaltatis 7
Hi fellow WA members! How's everybody here? As some of you may already know, I'm a video editor and I just created a WA promo vid and I want to share it to you. Here it is: say what you think about the video because I might be making a generic vid that I can share to the WA community. In that way, all WA affiliates can use it in their Youtube channels. I'm also planning to make some more designs from my templates. So just share that vi
Hi fellow WA members! How's everybody going on? I know I was not so active during the past days and months because I got busy with many things - writing articles, building new sites, editing videos, and a lot more. Article writing became my best source of income along with video editing. While pondering things, I thought of working for you guys. I think it's a good idea for me to offer discounted article writing service for my fellow WA members. In this way, we can help each other. I hav
It's June 22, 2012 here in my timezone (probably still 21 for most of you guys) and it's been a year since I joined Wealthy Affiliate University! Gonna Start Working At Home At Last!Before going back to my experiences during the whole year, I just wanna say that starting next week, I'll be working at home, with all the comfort of my own schedule and everything. We will be buying an i7 computer tomorrow and I will be doing my video editing job at home plus my online business. I'm
 I'm already turning 4 months this coming October 22 and I think I'll just make another blog post to update myself and share to the WA community what happened to me so far. Another thing is that, I've been here for a while and I can still see my blogs empty (I mean only few posts are there) so let me just add one now.   When I was doing my success in 30 days, I was always excited to wake up in the morning to see my assignment for the day. I religiously followed the schedule even i
Welcome back to my video production tutorial website! It was wiped out but now it's back there in the first page - no. 4
1 comment
September 18, 2011
Finally I'm now a platinum member! Thanks to the throw back promo of Kyle and Carson. I'm so excited to make more websites now. Wealthy Affiliate is really the best place to learn while earn at the same time.
1 comment
June 25, 2011
I'm a graduate of development communication and through all the years, I spent my life working as office staff, call center agent, video editor, teacher, then back again to video editor. Though I spent years of working, I did not see any considerable results in terms of money earned. That is because the hard earned money are just enough for day to day expenses. I'm still doing video editing job now but I kept on looking for some ways to earn additional income. I tried looking for online opp