Posts by Chandra5 2
For the last few weeks I've found that it has been quite a struggle for me to keep motivated and stay focused with my lessons at WA.  Being a full-time mom does have it's challenges and I have to schedule my lessons around being a mom, but I don't think it's that.  It's not that I don't want to do this because I am constantly thinking about how successful I am going to be once I "grasp" the wonderful world of internet marketing.  I know it's not the lessons at WA, becaus
May 19, 2010
I've been having reservations about advertising online, and I didn't even realize it... until now.  I checked out my blog and immediately thought "oh, I can't write something for everyone to read" and then immediately right after that thought I said to myself "But, you're starting an online business that is all about what you write and the whole world has to see it!"  Then I had an epiphany. I've made posts on forums and posts on my social networking sites, but I've