About Chantelie
Joined May 2008
Hi everyone! I am so excited to be a member of WA! I know there will be much success in my future. I am fairly new to internet marketing and have had a very tough time so far. I tried to do everything on my own and have not made a single penny. I know that with the knowledge and help found here at W.A,, I am bound to succeed!
I am a single mother and the daily rat race has really gotten to me. I really want to be able to be home for my daughter when she gets home from school and spend more quality time with her. I am hoping that eventually, Internet Marketing will provide me with the financial security and the flexibility to be able to enjoy my life!
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Jane Doe Premium
a very warm welcome to you, I am also very new here, and also very new to IM, about 6 months now, not a long time, but also a tough time. Great success to you!
chantelie Premium
I feel very disappointed in myself right now! I have not been able to dedicate enough time to learning all the ins and outs here at Wealthy Affiliate. I am so sick of working my life away and having NOTHING to show for it. I really want this Internet Marketing plan to work, but I feel like I will never get it! I really wish I just had 1 day a week that I could stay home and sit down and write some good articles and post them and see some kind of income!
pbkishore Premium
Hi, How are you doing?
RedRose Premium
Hi Chantelie! welcome to WA, I don't have much practical experience with IM but I'm learning fast. I'm just starting my 2nd week of the action plan. I would be happy to help if i can. Maybe you would like to be buddies? Good luck in your goals! Karen
RedRose Premium
Hi chantelie, How's it going? How do you like WA so far? There's alot to learn but the people here are very friendly and helpful. I sure you'll achieve your goals in no time with WA and IM. Good luck!
chantelie Premium
Hi RedRose, I am so excited to start week 2 of the 8 week action plan. I am hoping to start making some money soon.
lmhall51 Premium
Hi chantelie...I've just started week 3 and all of the information in here is great stuff. The people are terrific and there is always someone to help if needed. A very warm welcome to you!
chantelie Premium
Hey there!
How's it going so far?