Posts by Chipflip 5
I fell off the WA wagon. Shame on me. Time to get back on and giddyup (try again). As long as we keep trying, we haven't failed. Once you give up, you're through. I don't want to give up. Who can afford to in this economy?  
Picking a niche I am confident with has been a real hang-up for me. I realize the right niche for one person is not necessarily good for another. But how did you decide what your first niche should be? or your second? How did that work out for you, and what adjustments did you make?
Though my search for "my niche" continues, I had originally set up a set of lenses for a Las Vegas Travel campaign to advertise a couple of travel guides through Clickbank. It appears both of those products are no longer available. One sends traffic to a discount coupon page instead, while the other simply is not listed, and according to, the product "ended" back in April. So ... in addition to my lenses needing a serious content refresh, I have to remove tho
October 02, 2009
Different action plan, same problem. Picking a niche. Or a market. Or a product. Stalling out is one thing. Being unable to restart is incredibly frustrating. I want to get "unstuck" and make a sale before November 19, 2009.
September 15, 2009
I am looking forward to immersing myself in WA Platinum and using its release to jumpstart my marketing efforts which, again, have stalled. (Full time job search? What was I thinking?) If you are interested in Article Marketing, you can talk to me. It's my focus.