About ChocolateChip
Joined August 2008

I'm totally new to IM and WA. For many years I worked with rescue animals and loved it but had to finish for health reasons. I have had a variety of jobs since, none of them fulfilling and have been exploring IM as a way to use my brain, challenge myself, get paid by results and give people something of value.

I hope to make new friends here as I learn along the way and look forward to celebrating my first success.

I am passionate about living an organic lifestyle free from chemicals and feeling healthier and more alive. I have qualified as a Reflexologist and also have an interest in lots of other therapies, many of which I have experienced.

My aim is to become successful at IM and earn enough money to buy a lovely detached house by the sea where I can have dogs and cats and start to live life instead of just existing and have time to spend giving treatments to people and enjoying my art and jewellery hobbies.
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TJ Books Premium
Hi, CC! WELCOME! Click on my pic for some tutorials to help you get along here at WA, but Lessons First. Feel good about coming here. You are among friends and this is the Place to Learn to Earn. John
TJ Books Premium
You don't have to do anything. When you make a forum post, your link is at top. It is your ID Name. Anyone that clicks on that ID will go to your profile where they can make a post. Also, if they hit Reply, they will get right to you. So if you post on somebodies personal page, your pic comes up and they can click on the pic. But for forums, they just have to reply or click on your ID Name. So, did that help? John
TJ Books Premium
I'm glad to help with your questions but don't forget that Kyle or Carson is there to help you. John
TJ Books Premium
I sent you a personal email to help you fix your pic problem. John
mkabusaad Premium
I would like to say hi ... and welcome at WA between your friends.
mkabusaad Premium
Chocolate nice to hear from you, hope everything will go OK.
mkabusaad Premium
hi, how are you?
like you, I am facing some problems with site rubix .. dealing with images, new pages .. do you think also it is slow?
if you have good experience please help me.
also i like to see your website.. good luck
mkabusaad Premium
Thanks Chocolate.
mkabusaad Premium
Again, thank you Chocolate for the websites. This is what I need. Thank you very much.
ChocolateChip Premium
thanks for saying hello. It can be a bit overwhelming, can't it? Hopefully if we follow the 8 week plan it'll soon start to make more sense.
ChocolateChip Premium
Hi there
I'm not the best person to help with SR!! I have had a lot of problems with it and although I have now managed to create a website it isn't showing the images so I am currently asking for help on that issue. The only advice I can give is to use firefox. That really helped. There are also two lots of videos giving help on SR - one by Deb and one by Robbied. I don't have the link to hand so will try and find it and let you know.
ChocolateChip Premium
Ok, I found the links for you.http://www.mega-affiliates.com and http://www.videosforwa.com Hope these will help you.
Wojo Premium
ChocolateChip, ill buddy up with ya...im pretty new at this also

you up for it?
Wojo Premium
ChocolateChip, hey i just came across this it might help with your site rubix site...some videos another member has posted
Wojo Premium
ChocolateChip, hey how are you..sorry it took so long to respond....how the website coming?

i have a blog as well it seems a lot easier to manage than a website...there are many ways to get traffic to your blogger...social bookmark the snot out of it....if you write articles..point them at your blog.
Wojo Premium
Chocolate Chip, hey i see what you mean about your site....wonder if thats a site rubix thing...other than that it looks great...great content, categories..organization...congrats...

as for mine...i have moderate success....a sale a week maybe..more like every ten days or so...its a start though..i have been somewhat distracted the past few weeks so i haven't done as much promoting as i should...
Wojo Premium
ChocolateChip, hiya, sorry i havent been around for a while how are things going? ive been busy got a few sign up for WA though..im excited!!
Wojo Premium
Wojo Premium
how ya doing?
ChocolateChip Premium
Hi there, hope things going well for you. I'm having another go at creating a website. Been trying to use Site Rubix but having real problems. Have you used it at all? If so, what do you think of it? If not, how do you create your websites? Any help gratefully received as progress at the moment is very slow as in virtually at a standstill!!! Just off now to make a fire as it's freezing cold here in the UK!
ChocolateChip Premium
hi there, thanks for dropping by. I already had a look at the videos. There's some good stuff on there and Deb has been very helpful but I still haven't been able to crack SR. Today it lost a load of my work for no logical reason! Maybe it's time for a change of plan. Have wasted too many hours on SR getting nowhere apart from frustrated. Need to find another method to get a website going that won't cost a lot (budget very tight at present!). How's things going with you?
ChocolateChip Premium
Hi there
Thought I'd just drop by and see how you're doing? I'm still hard at work trying to get my website up and running and am also having a go at blogger. Now I have to figure out a way to get some traffic so I can actually make some sales!!! Hope all is going well for you.
ChocolateChip Premium
Thanks for dropping by! My website isn't too good! I did it in Site Rubix and it looked ok but the images don't always appear. If you're logged into WA and then visit my site it's fine but otherwise it's hit and miss. Some days the images are there, other days they're not. Which is totally useless!!! Haven't a clue how to remedy so any suggestions welcome! If you want to have a look it's http://www.myhealthyorganics.com. Am working instead on getting a page on blogger and will then work at doing articles. I looked at your sites and am really impressed! Are you having good success with them?
ChocolateChip Premium
Hi there
Good to hear from you and delighted that you've got some WA sign ups. Pretty impressed. I've still to make a single bean! Am plugging away but would soooooooooooo much like to see just that one sale! Congratulations!
guitar fire Premium
Hi ChocolateChip,
Welcome to WA! I see by your profile you are sensitive and pretty neat. You will do well to get going with the 8 week program and don't forget to check out the forum.
Wish you well,
Guitar fire,
guitar fire Premium
the link to your profile page comes through to them when you write a post or in browsing spaces there is a place they can write your profile name and get to your page. Is this even close?
Keep in touch...and by the way singers need listeners so keep up the good work,
guitar fire Premium
Hi CC you seem to have mastered the posting. I hope everything else is falling in to place for you.
Have a great day,
guitar fire Premium
Hi again You are precisely where I am needing to get a web site built. The niche market study and google adwords will help you with defining exactly where to go with your product idea. Whereas I am a bit off the charts with my idea. I only found one other web site and they did not spell it just the same and their idea for the site was completely different then mine. Always been a proverbial salmon swimming upstream.
This should be interesting,Have a great day,
guitar fire Premium
Hi ChocolateChip,
Nice to hear from you this morning. It is unusually sunny here this week and quite warm. Sorry to hear the rain where you are has got you down. My oldest son is tired of the Wash. climate ever since visiting Florida. He now wants to move to San Diego. I am never bothered by the rain for some unexplainable reason.
How are you doing?
take care and best wishes,
guitar fire Premium
addendum...should have read your blog...hey you can do this and if you get a dust up there is always help in the forum or send Kyle or Carson a PM. Cheer up kid you are right on schedule,Sandi
guitar fire Premium
Hi Chocolate Chip,
Nice to hear from you and thank you for your kind message. As a Pastor I work with hurting people all the time and one thing I have learned we are all in this human experience together. The book I live my life by says to 'laugh with those who laugh and cry with those who cry.'
Yes we can talk and e-mail so that is a blessing.
How are you doing? I love your goal of a seaside home. I love the sea even though my family was once stranded overnight on the ocean in an 18 foot boat. The coast guard had to haul us in.
Keep in touch,
guitar fire Premium
Hi ChocolateChip,
Hey I was reading your blogs and thought that's not exactly a bad thing to have a web site that inspires laughter.
Not good for the pocket book but laughter is in short supply these days.
Is all the way you want it with the site now?
I have been unable to even start the site because i have no tech knowledge and a huge dislike for failure.
Bad combination. must get beyond it somehow.
Keep up the good work,
guitar fire Premium
O.k here's the deal the blog you have at the bottom of the page says specifically that one looking at the web sit you were creating might get a good laugh if nothing else. So in the beginning there were some difficulties you have worked out now. You go girl!
I hope that explained why I said the laughter part.
I will send you a shout out if I need help and thanks so much for offering it.
ChocolateChip Premium
Hi, thanks for posting to me. I really love meeting new people and "talking" to them. Your life sounds really interesting. I'd really love to be able to sing. Next best thing is listening to others who do. I can play the piano but no expert or anything. Am looking forward to all the learning I've got awaiting me. One question, which I've asked elsewhere and I'll probably get the answer all at once! How do you find the link to your space site to give others? I'm told it's at the top of the page but can't see mine (but I don't really know where I'm meant to be looking!)
ChocolateChip Premium
Hi Sandi
Thanks for your reply. What I'm looking for is a link which is meant to be at the top of the profile page. I've seen it in posts and it's the http thing which links to the person's profile. It's just frustrating knowing that something is meant to be there but not being able to see it and not knowing how it works!! Also, if I read a post on the forum and then click on the person's name it just does at sort of summary but doesn't link to a page like this. Do you know how to then find this page?
Hope it's ok to ask these questions.
Enjoyed reading your blog.
ChocolateChip Premium
Hi Sandi
Just sent a reply to your post but it didn't seem to show up here. Will see if this one does so I know it's working!
ChocolateChip Premium
Hi Sandi
Yes, I'm getting to grips with posting etc. Next goal is to find out how to create a website and to actually find something to sell. Well, actually I know what I want to promote but it's a very big and popular market so I need to work out how to get into it successfully. So just a little goal then!!!!
Ps You've sure got a lot of buddies!
ChocolateChip Premium
Hi Sandi
Just thought I'd drop by and see how you're doing? Hope you're enjoying sunshine in your neck of the woods. We've got endless rain and grey skies here and it's only September! Really wish I lived somewhere sunny - it helps a lot!
ChocolateChip Premium
Hi Sandi
Just thought i'd drop by and see how you're doing. Then I read your blog. I'm so sorry. I do understand what you must be going through. Are you still able to keep in touch at all? I know it's not the same but it might help to ease things? I really feel for you.
Drop by whenever you want and keep in touch.
ChocolateChip Premium
hi there
just wondering how you're doing and how things are going for you. i've got week 7 of the action plan - not that I've actually DONE all 7 weeks. Each week takes a little longer than a week - if you see what I mean!!!
Still, I have now got a website up and running so just have to start writing a few articles and see how I go. Take care!
ChocolateChip Premium
Hi Sandi
What was it that made you laugh? Haven't been intentionally trying to be funny so am curious? Have you tried using blogger or squidoo to create a website? I found blogger ok to use and I'm so not technical. And although I struggled struggled struggled with Site Rubix I would now use it again!!!! So if you do decide to give either of them a go, feel free to message me if I can help in any way. Although am most definitely not technical I am pretty good now at knowing why things aren't working on them both!!!!!!!!!!!! So could probably save you a bit of time and hair tearing out!