About Chowie
Joined June 2010
Hi there wise WA Members!

My name is Charles Howard Emery (origin of "Chowie" WA username), and like many aspiring Affiliate Marketers I've come across in various places such as the Warrior Forum, I've been somewhat disillusioned by relatively dismal profits generated via such means as ClickBank and Commission Junction. Not to say that we can't make money on such affiliate networks--because quite a few Internet Marketing pros are absolutely killing it @ selling both digital & physical products via those sorts of routes. It's just that I prefer to generate HUGE chunks of cash much faster.

So, I've chosen a very different sort of affiliate marketing route, which has both online and online components. Just in case you're interested in earning upwards of US$50,000 in commission per transaction--even for relatively small projects (yes, this is affiliate marketing on steroids!), read on...

Through my Commercial Real Estate Loans USA site and good 'ol fashioned telephone conversations & face-to-face meetings, I connect Principal Business Owner / Managers who have viable commercial projects with from $250,000 to $1 Billion ($500 million per project phase) in the ideal combination of private commercial real estate loans and private equity capital financing–in many cases for projects that conventional commercial lenders won’t even touch!

Basically, I provide private commercial mortgages and joint venture equity capital financing to viable businesses across a wide range of industry sectors including multifamily, office buildings, raw land acquisition, plus oil, gas, and alternative energy existing facilities & development projects via various commercial funding methods including commercial commercial bridge loans and commercial construction loans.

Right now, the vast majority of my income is derived from real estate investment. So, I'd be thrilled to discuss your ideas on how to monetize various aspects of the real estate realm.

Also, I lived in Japan for 10 years working as a language consultant, and I wrote & produced a Japanese music video project. Since I'm bilingual, fluent in spoken & written Japanese, I'm also interested in working with any of you who are interested in penetrating the lucrative but highly-competitive Japanese business & consumer markets with new & unique digital & physical products as well.

Anyone who is seriously interested in this extremely lucrative form of affiliate marketing, just send me a Private Message and I'll respond ASAP to let you know how you can make it work for you. Take care & I look forward to helping you achieve your ultimate profit potential while exchanging ideas, WA Gold with you soon!

Gratefully & Respectfully Yours...

Chowie's Accomplishments

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webkab Premium
Just thought I'd connect with you since you've been in WA about as long as I have. I found WA to be very informative and has given me the right stuff to get my own on line business going. I did the 30 day training and focus in on POTPIEGIRL and MAGISTUDIOS Wabinars and blogs. Great place to learn and get started. Lets connect. MUCH SUCCESS.
chowie Premium
Thanks for the quick & friendly welcome Jamie! Do you have some sort of automatic thingy that sends out automatic welcome messages sort of like an autoresponder?
chowie Premium
Hey there all of you wise WA members!

If I had joined WA several years ago when I first started getting e-mails from Kyle & Carson, perhaps I'd be as wise & knowledgeable as many of you Internet Marketers are. Oh well, better late than never as the cliche goes...

I've made thousands of dollars online, but I must admit that I have not yet earned the honor of being able to call myself an Internet Marketer because I haven't figured out how to make money online CONSISTENTLY. That's why I've joined WA, so I can break any bad habits that I've undoubtedly developed throughout my rather haphazard learning process up to now, and learn from Carson, Kyle, and all of you how to generate solid net profits on a consistent basis, so I can finally refer to myself proudly as as a professional Internet Marketer.

In turn, along the way, I promise to make a sincere effort to contribute what I have to offer in terms of my knowledge, experience, and other resources.

Right now, the vast majority of my income is derived from real estate investment. So, I'd be thrilled to discuss your ideas on how to monetize various aspects of the real estate realm.

Also, I lived in Japan working as a language consultant, and I wrote & produced a Japanese music video project. Since I'm bilingual, fluent in spoken & written Japanese, I'm also interested in working with any of you who are interested in penetrating the lucrative but highly-competitive Japanese business & consumer markets with new & unique digital & physical products as well.

Take care & I look forward to exchanging ideas & WA Gold with you soon!
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Jamie Smith Premium
I rarely do anything with automation, just about everything by hand.
chowie Premium
Thanks for the quick & friendly welcome Jamie! Do you have some sort of automatic thingy that sends out automatic welcome messages sort of like an autoresponder? Either way, please let me know how you manage to respond so quickly.