About Chrism41077
Joined May 2010
I am a 33 year old father of 2 girls, and a boy on the way. I work a full time job at the moment. I'm looking to network with other individuals and eventually have my own home business so I can spend more time with my family.
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chrism41077 Premium
Thanks glad to be here...I just started the 12 week action plan...WOW there's a lot of information to go over
FatWallet Premium
Hi, Welcome to WA!
FatWallet Premium
You are welcome! Glad to meet you.
chrism41077 Premium
Thanks glad to be here
riojs_k Premium
Welcome to WA:)
chrism41077 Premium
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME! Glad to have you here!
Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck! :)
Louise M. Premium
the newest one, the 12 week action plan! ;)
chrism41077 Premium
Thanks glad to be here I do have a question though which action plan should I follow the 8 week or 12 week one?
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
chrism41077 Premium
Thanks glad to be here