About Christiena
Joined March 2010
Hello Everybody :)
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Ryan Hart Premium
Hello Christiena, thanks for remarks on my blog. Every little walk, every week-end trip and every world tour starts with one step: the FIRST step. You made that first step! Good on you! Don't let your luggage determine your destiny! Great to be your 'buddy'
Christiena Premium
Thank you Ryan...I appreciate that. My luggage has effectively been turned into stepping stones and I look forward to reaching the amazing places that they will lead to. Great to be your buddy too...welcome :)))
Ezinewriter Premium
Thanks :)
Christiena Premium
Thanks Jamie, it's great to be here!
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Ezinewriter Premium
Thanks for visiting :)
Christiena Premium
Woot! My first buddy message. Thank you for dropping a line Ezinewriter. Love your stuff :) Plan on doing great things here...