About CJG
Joined April 2009
Hello to all. My name is Jerry and I live in Northern Alabama with my wife where we are just starting out in the process of internet marketing. We love spending time together and that is why we decided to begin this adventure. We are in this together and really want to become successful at it. We are both new at this stuff. We have limited tech experience but are willing and able to learn as much as possible.
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music_mom30 Premium
Hi! Re added you to my buddy list :)
Lailani Premium
Welcome to WA Jerry! You've come to a great place to learn all about IM! Good Luck!

-- Lailani --
G.Patel Premium
I just want you to review my website.

Links are :




Thanks and Regards
CJG Premium
Hi all. Just started here and am looking forward to meeting all of you. I am trying to absorb and learn all I can. Any advice would be appreciated.
CJG Premium
hi Jim and welcome . I've only been here a couple of weeks so I'm a newbie too.
Best of luck and lets all help each other obtain our goals
CJG Premium
Just want to welcome all newbies from a newbie.
CJG Premium
Hi all newbies
Starting my 3rd week great info here don"t get over whelmed just take it slow. We can all help each other and learn together. have a great day CJG
CJG Premium
Just wanted to say hi to all newbies. I'm a newby too, hope we can all help each other.
good luck CJG
CJG Premium
Just wanted to hi to all new to WA. A lot to learn but we are on our way.
have a great day