About Cjmoney
Joined August 2008
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Judi Premium
Welcome cjmoney
You will find some great people here and I just visited your sites...great start...
But this place will teach you how to turbo boost your sales.
Always remember...sometimes you may fall off the horse...you may get frustrated...but take a deep breath and start over. Although I have not fully made it yet...i have some major successes and I think I am closer now more than ever

Congrats to you and your fiancee...hey keep the love going strong!!
All the best
MaxEffect Premium
Good to see you cjmoney ... you've come to the right place to begin or enhance your education. Let's keep in touch.
cjmoney Premium
My name is Chris, I just posted a pic of me and my fiancee,
I am a business Owner & I love People & Making Money..
I am from Carson CA.. It's Aug 14, 2008..I am a new member..Smile
nona Premium
hi chris and wife I am nona. I am a newbie joined 9/4/08. I am 59 years young. Internet marketing and the computer are new for me. Feel free to reach out to me thanks.
guitar fire Premium
Hi cjmoney,
Stopping by to say I enjoyed your blog on Sarah Palin. I am reminded of another beautiful, powerful woman named Esther who 'came to the kingdom for such a time as this.'
Keep up the good work,
Guitar fire,
guitar fire Premium
Hi Chris,
Nice to hear back from you. In answer to your question I searched for a long time for a way to make money online. As many state here on WA I lost a lot of money in the search on scam co.
This is a difficult program in that i am in no way tech savvy. I did purchase a few web domains and have some ideas of what i would like to do with them. Being a head liner and not a detailed person I did not go through all the niche finding stuff I just flew by the seat of my proverbial pants.
I am associate Pastor of a church that reaches out to a very needy people hence no salary. Health issues call for work from home. So that is basically where I am and where I am coming from.
Thank you and God's best,
cjmoney Premium
Hi Sandi..
I am happy that you enjojed my article on Sarah Palin..
feel free to contact me anytime..we are all here to help
and bless one another .....lol....If i can help you in anyway..
please let me know..I have been in Network Marketing
over 15 yrs..and i joined this program about a month ago..
I am a Christian and I am a Deacon at my church in Carson
CA....New Philly AME Church.....How long have you been in
this program & what do you wish to achieve?
STAY IN TOUCH....smile...& God Bless U..!

Sept. 4, 08
