About CJVegas10
Joined February 2010
My name is Carlos, I am 36 years old. Originally from Los Angeles, I currently live in Las Vegas with my wife and son. I have a B.S. in Electrical Engineering. I was recently laid off from my job as a project manager for a large contractor here in Vegas. Looking now to start my own marketing business.............hope it goes well.
My hobbies include travelling, hiking and mountain biking. My dream is to someday be free from debt and live the life of a rock star.
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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Ezinewriter Premium
Welcome to WA!
bigvnd Premium
Welcome to WA
bigvnd Premium
Thank you for asking. Being overwhelmed. LOL. Most of members said "That's what most people feel for first timer" I hope they're right. :D
CJVegas10 Premium
Thanks buddy......how has your experience been with WA so far??
Abnerfer Premium
CJVegas10 Premium
Thanks......Have you had any good experiences with WA so far?