Where Do I Go From Here?

Last Update: March 01, 2010

If you have been in internet marketing for any length of time, you are probably confused to say the least. You probably have 5 or more offers a day and think. 'Wow! This is exactly what I'm looking for. "Beware:".


Don't forget, that the majority of these offers is a get rich scheme. These guys have made a living off unsuspecting newbies, who are frantically searching for the answer. Chances are you will be throwing your money away. Pay attention to all the blogs on WA, and you will be one step closer to the finish line.


Try this:

Go to Weathy Affiliates and dive in. The water might be a little cold , but as soon as you start doing something , it will warm up. 

I was thrashing around, thinking , "THIS IS TOO HARD", slowly losing all the fire I had when I started. Now I can see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Now thanks to Kyle, Carson and all the other great affiliates, I finally have a direction.


I will keep you posted of my progress, and wish all of you the best


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