About CliveAnderson
Joined June 2009
I started out online back in 2005, but back then I was just about able to respond to an email. Having spent so many years like so many others fumbling and fooling around I finally amassed together enough knowledge to create my own website FirstForIncome.

Since then my goal has been to help other marketers out by finding and offering worthy free promotional systems to help benefit their businesses.

I also run my own forum as well as particpating in several others, which I seem to do less and less of these days.

I've used and promoted many programs and systems online over the years, but none so impressive and worthwhile as the Wealthy Affiliate University. I feel I have dabbled in pretty much all marketing techniques, but WAU has shown me a step-by-step action plan to use the best marketing formulas the right way.

I think what we have here with WAU is a system that pretty much everyone online could benefit from, and not just as a marketing training ground. It also shows how a likeminded community can offer and gain so much from each other... You only have to look at the forum here to see what I mean.

I am in no way manner or form a top marketer or super affiliate as some here, but I'm looking forward to gaining the final pieces of the puzzle on my journey that will enable me to join such ranks.

I can't make any promises, but if you feel or think I could help or assist you in any way here, please feel free to ask.

I'm keen to make some lasting friendships here so that we can all enjoy the greatest journey on Earth... that journey to Success!
CliveAnderson's Accomplishments

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bkb2012 Premium
Expanding buddy network. How's it coming along?

dandeone Premium
Hello Clive, Just have to say Hi to a fellow Anderson...lol You have good skills at writing, have been following you for years now... A real treat to find you at WA ! Very Best Wishes, Dave (Anderson)
CliveAnderson Premium
Thank you for your very pleasent and uplifting welcome... Always good to speak to or hear from a fellow Anderson. I've seen you around too over the years, I think it all started on MoneyLegs and 10KHITS4U. You are so right about this place it is absolutely amazing. Even in the short time I have been here I have manged to pick up and learn so much. In fact I haven't felt this good about anything in an awfully long time.

I'm sure if we stick at it and work hard with a good focus we will rise to the levels of our expectations.

Thank you again and I wish you well and Much Success...

Kind Regards

nikao Premium
welcome to WA! all the best to your success here in our community ;)
CliveAnderson Premium
Hey Gerald,
Was nice of you to drop by and say Hi. You certainly have a few skills on offer here, I'm just giving the article writing a serious bash at moment, but if I lack the standard to gain results from them I may well be screaming for some help.
Thanks again for the Welcome...
Kind Regards
Clive Anderson
Ezinewriter Premium
Hi Clive,

I see we have a lot in common, I also started internet marketing back in 05 and I ma helping people as much as I can. So they don't have to start an as much rocky start as I did. Hope to see your around, And welcome to WA
CliveAnderson Premium
Hi Sylviane,
Thank you for your warm and friendly welcome...
Like you say and so it would seem we have both been online since 2005. I have to say since then to getting here has been at some times a very hard learning curve. One thing though, at no point did I ever consider quitting as the chances of me making a success of myself offline were slim to none and my desire to succeed has always been strong. (Thankfully).

I see you have overcome a few obsticles along the way, but I guess ultimately the good news is that we are in a place where the road ahead really can be made of gold. I think you hit the nail on the head where you state that you enjoy network marketing and writing. If someone can enjoy those things and do them enough consistantly then it is certainly only a matter of time before the fruits of your efforts become a reality.

I wish you much more success and thank you once again for your kind words and welcome.

Kind Regards,

Dennis Premium
hey there welcome to W.A wish you all the best. I would very much appreciate your help. I will sure get back to you later on and We are glad to have a seasoned vet like you around to share and contribute to the ever growing wealthy affiliate community. Welcome to the Community.
CliveAnderson Premium
Hi Dennis,
Thank you for the kind words and warm welcome. Your introduction and wise words are inspirational. Life is full of many challenges, I guess it is just a question as to how we interpret and overcome those challenges that will ultimately lead us to our dreams, goals, and desires... WAU Offers many different roads, each designed to suit the many different personalities, yet ultimately they will all lead to the glory of success.

I thank you again for your warm welcome and wise words and wish you every possible success...

Kind Regards
