About Compass
Joined January 2010
I have a lot to learn here. Completely new to making money on the internet but motivated and excited! I now work from home so I can spend more time being a mother to my kids. I hated picking up the kids at the afterschool program, fighting with them about homework, making dinner, and then just having a little time for the family to be together. My husband's career takes him frequently around the world and now we can travel with him every now and then as a family. I could never leave my old job for trips like that!

As for personal interests, I am active in the local community. I am a Slow Food Leader, Cubmaster, in the US Coast Guard Auxiliary, and frequently give talks about growing organic food for your family through edible landscaping. I own a natural soap company and my educational background is in Biology, Chemistry, and Archaeology.
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Arina23 Premium
Hi! Welcome to WA! Things might seem confusing at first, but it will all start making sense as you read more and apply the learned techniques to your actual campaigns! Best of luck to you! :)
Compass Premium
Thanks. Just when I think I am figuring something out, another lead confuses me again. I will just keep gleaning things from everyone's posts and play with the training. There are some "holes" I still need to fill in. I'm sure with a little more reading, I will do just that. Otherwise, you all will be hearing from me : )
PaintMeFancy Premium
Welcome to WA!
PaintMeFancy Premium
Your Welcome and good luck.
Compass Premium
music_mom30 Premium
Welcome! So when exactly do you breathe?
Compass Premium
Thanks. I do keep busy, but it is in my nature. My Grandmother and Mother are the same way. They wear me out!
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck ! :)
Compass Premium
Thanks. I just might after I have waded through a lot of the info. Been reading all day. The pieces are beginning to come together, but it will take a bit to digest it all.
MsBettyJ Premium
Welcome to WA! You are a busy woman. Hope internet marketing fulfills your dreams.
Compass Premium
Thanks! I am thinking it will. I love the support from the members of WA. That goes a long way to keep a person going when the newness has worn off and things haven't taken off yet. Thanks again for the welcome!