About Constantine
Joined October 2008
Hello to all of you guys and gals on WA,

My name is Constantine. I am 35 y.o. and I live in the province of North Holland in the Netherlands.

A few years ago I started to live with a then relatively new to me concept of becoming a 'conscious entrepreneur'. As Guy Kawasaki put it 'entrepreneur is not a job title; it's the state of the mind of people who want to alter the future'. I agree and so I firmly decided to one-day become 'it'. As I was getting increasingly consumed with the idea I gradually began to intentionally develop a mindset that would, in simple words, allow me to make a difference in the world. Here's the definition of a conscious business I found on the internet because it's not always easy to formulate in a few simple outlines what this really is:

Conscious Business is about people who are aware of the impact their habits and actions have on their organization and their environment. Conscious Businesses are run by people

- Who know about their strengths and weaknesses, and
- Who are ready to conduct business in a more engaging and inspiring way.

Also, if you want to know more of CB check out the page on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conscious_business

So now that I've become a WealthyAffiliate member it might be useful to give you a brief idea of what I would like to do and what this personally means to me seeking to grow a successful online business (my current goal) and becoming a conscious entrepreneur:

I've been interested in business and marketing for a long time though again, understand the word business not in conventional terms here. Also, I somehow tend to take the long view of things and think that in order to realize my dream/s and create a potent and sustainable business (i.e. the kind of thing close to the ideal I hold in my mind) it'll take me about 15 to 20 years of continuous effort. I'm kind of sceptical of 'overnight successes' even on the Internet and think that building up a business esp. completely off the ground and of that scale is more like growing a tree that will eventually bloom-up one day I am absolutely convinced of that, provided given enough time and given enough care. Everything is organic in this world!

Now, I don't yet currently have a product or service to start off and I don't even think that looking or waiting for 'THE PRODUCT' can anyhow increase any chances for success. In my attitude I'd rather try many different products or services and in the process I can find out what particular industry most appeals to me and on what product I will eventually resolve to turn into a 'star'. Being adaptive to change and the willingness to try out many new things should be the keywords here.

Nevertheless, I've recently put down a few ideas of what I would like to promote or sell with my affiliate undertakings: Because my professional background lies in the apparel industry and this past year in retail too I would be interested in selling organic materials e.g. organically-cultivated fabrics as well as clothes. As an example, denim made of organic cottons, items of clothing like e.g. t-shirts or underwear that were produced using both man- and environmentally-friendly methods. Also, health-care products are definitely on the list for me. Among other ideas might be consumer electronics (though I am still at this point not sure how this would fit into 'environmentally-friendly'?!) i.e. from kitchen equipment to mobile phones, laptops you name it. In this latter area I don't as-yet have the level of expertise as I have in fashion but I'm willing to learn all I can about the field and I have a family member who's well-versed in stuff like that so I'm sure we can strike a win-win deal.

I have no prior knowledge of specific computer languages though I can easily read HTML and am acquainted with CSS (I've shortly started to learn Dreamweaver because I've lately become inspired by the idea of 'moving online'). Graphic design is among my other hobbies. I absolutely adore Adobe Illustrator. I am also a member of another online phenomenon www.lynda.com. So the main information I seek to learn about Illustrator, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, e-commerce you name it I derive from there. Books don't help, video tutorials do!

Anyway as a wrap-up, to give you three main reasons why I'm getting myself involved in internet business: Reason 1 for me is being dependent on an employer is no longer an option. I'm just about fed-up with that. I am hungry for growth and definitely like to challenge my human potential. Reason 2, I've always been a huge fan of the Internet. I actually live without a TV set but with a computer and a broadband Internet connection. I threw away my TV a few years ago and have never since had any regrets that I did so. But aside from that all being Reason 3 I really genuinely believe in infinite possibilities of the cyberspace. When I see how quickly and how dynamically this all is expanding and evolving, I LOVE IT!

I hope along with learning tons of information on WA to have fun from getting to know like-minded folks as well. Like attracts to like couldn't be more true. The sequence for success to me is startlingly simple: make the right connections - learn all the information you might possibly need to get started %u2013 make an informed decision what next cause of action to take and a positive result is assured! And last but not least, strive to see in any failure an opportunity for smth. else (which of course only takes a simple shift in perspective).

If any of you guys have similar interests in fair-trade or conscious business or whatever you might name it along with helpful advice or good tips to what I've just written here please, by all means drop me a line I'll be more than happy to hear from you.

Oh yeah, here's my Mission Statement which I see a lot more like a guiding star shining the way to success esp. in times when things seem not to move the way I'd ideally like them to:

* Provide people with the best quality of product and service imaginable meanwhile never compromising my integrity.

* At all times make helping others my priority continually encouraging them to dig deeper into their own potential.

thanks for viewing my profile,
Constantine's Accomplishments

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TJ Books Premium
Famous name! Welcome. Well, you have a gift of gab so you should do well here where writing is crucial to success. Work hard! I use to go to Holland on business, Utrecht. John
jchoice Premium
Welcome to WA! It looks like you are a good writer, well, I guess you will be ahead of the crowd. Just wondering, how did you come across Wealthy Affiliate? To your success. jchoice
Constantine Premium
Hello there and thanks for the welcome. Be honest my ultimate goal is not to be ahead of everyone else but rather be ahead of myself. at this point i'm sure that I'd not only like to do IM exclusively for the sake of money though money is definitely in the game I'm more like loving the thrill I get from doing smth. completely out of the blue, completely new.

I was just thinking this morning where did i come across WA?! i cannot even tell you that one... i think it was via yahoo-answers when i was reading reviews...

i think that WA is a fantastic place to be on. what i like from the posts that i read that most people are very positive abt what they're doing. so i think that only that fact alone is worth being here and the rest will take care of its own.....

writing is one of my pastimes. i'm multilingual but strangely enough i like writing in English. i studied linguistics and phonology on my own for over 5 years so have no official degree in those disciplines which i don't much care abt..

what is yr vision where do you want to be?