About Copasetic
Joined August 2008
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Copasetic Premium
Is anyone really out there? Introverts are not known for small talk. So I don't suppose I'll be saying much beyond this point. I don't know what help I could possibly be to anyone. I have little useful knowledge or noteworthy skills. I have just started my first week and have no site yet. I AM a site though, but I don't suppose that counts.
Well, I've chattered on long enough. Seriously, is anyone REALLY out there?
guitar fire Premium
Welcome Copasetic look where you landed? Among friends that's for sure. I'm fairly new also but totally loving this place and the helpful people here. Jump in full speed and enjoy the ride.
Guitar fire,Sandi
guitar fire Premium
Hey Copasetic...you never have to apologize for being a newbie...I'm one too and it's an o.k place to be. If you apply yourself to the 8 week course You will be amazed at how far it will take you. This spoken from one who spent a year wandering around other IM oppertunities then thankfully landed here.
To your success,
Guitar fire
guitar fire Premium
Hi I just read a positive note you wrote on someones profile page way to go Copasetic! this is a good place to build ones self confidence. Keep up the good work.
Guitar fire,Sandi
Copasetic Premium
Sorry I took so long to thank you for your welcome, Guitar fire. I am going to have to come up with some kind of a schedule. I have the time, it's just not organized. This is all new to me too.