Christmas Visitor

Last Update: December 24, 2009

Yes Corky, there is a Santa Clause!



... Christmas Is Just around the ... Christmas Clip art - Free Twas the day before Christmas and all through the store.

We were hustling Santa Suit orders out through the door.

Christmas is a nightmare, when there so much to do.

The stores including this one are much like a zoo.

Christmas with all the shopping and loads of Santa orders.

You wonder if you can take it, near insanity it borders.


Everyone was scurrying to gather up their things,

Their last of Christmas shopping, more that Santa brings.

Visions of parties that this eve will have in store.

Home to get ready, visiting family and friends once more.


I had just locked up shop and was turning to leave.

When up came a tattered Santa with dirt on his sleeve.

Oh! What has happened, Is this one our suit.

My first inclination was to give him the boot.


I've just had an accident” was his remark!

My reindeer's are back somewhere in the Park.

I need a clean suit, so I can continue on my way.

It's up to you now, to help save the day.


My reindeer's turned quick and I didn't see the tree.

All are Okay though! Except for the mess that you see.

I just can't continue on my way, not looking too keen.

I'd be mistaken for a burglar, If I were to be seen.


Boy! What a story, but it doesn't give me sway.

This guys a real nut and needs putting away.

Come now old fellow, your too much for wear.

Let me call your family, I'm sure that they care.


Abiding at Christmas may be alright for some folk.

But not for a Santa, to be looking like a bloke.

I'm really quit serious was his sudden retort.

You believed in Santa was on my last report.


Yes! I believe in Santa, It's a feeling in the heart.

And people from all over just dressing the part.

Hey! It's time for you folks to live up to your name.

The Real Santa Suit Headquarters will now give you fame.


I must be scurrying, I must be on my way.

So help me with a suit please! I will surely pay.

I really didn't believe in his cock and bull story.

I didn't want to argue or to become as his jury.


I haven't a suit left here, everything's been rented.

The last one went out at the time that you ascended.

Come on! You must have another in that costume store.

Please! I surely need one, You must have one more.


I found myself saying, though under some spell.

I'll let you use my suit, It should fit you quite well.

I have a party to go to and as Santa I'll be dressed.

There's an old suit in storage, certainly not the best.


Say! I'll make you a deal, If I can be getting along

I'll show up at your party and you mingle with the throng.

So I gave him the suit and address, said he knew the place

But I took along the old suit, just to make sure in case.


Well! To make things short, Santa arrived in style

Christmas Eve was Great and very much worthwhile

Every one was happy and experienced Christmas dreams

But I was having nightmares or so it surely seems.


I kept hearing strange sounds, which set me to wonder.

The must be a storm brewing to be making so much thunder.

I also was thinking of reindeer and the sound of their hoof.

Now! That's what I'm hearing out there on the roof


Come on now, your as wacky as the old guy you met.

Soon they'll be carrying you off, wrapped up in a net.

When I awoke that morning rubbing sleep from my eyes.

The suit was under the tree, very much to my surprise.


The suit was all laid out and pinned to one of the sleeves,

Was a note from Santa saying that he was well pleased

Also a brief Christmas Message from that Jolly Old Elf.

The true meaning of Christmas is to give of Ones Self.

Copyright (c) 1989-2009 by Carl Allen -All Rights Reserve

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You may use this work on your greeting cards, e-mails, blogs or Christmas announcements free of charge. How ever it must be published in it's entirety including copy right and legal notice.


In simple terms, you can give this away free, but you cannot pull it apart and use it in other publications.


It may not be used within or attached to any controversial material such as pornography, gambling or anything illegal.



Carl and Mary Jean

... Animated Holiday Clip Art


P.S. The story behind the poem can be found on my blog:

Merry Christmas to all of my WA friends





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