My first Blog !

Last Update: July 01, 2012
Well, it's been 6 days since I joined the 10 day free trial and I have now decided to put fingers to keyboard.
I have been in I.T supprt for 25 years and now decided I need to start a new chapter. As I love to travel, this seems like an ideal way to combine the two as I can do this in any country, as long as it works out for me, by that I mean bringing in a min of $100 a day.
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klrrider Premium
Glad to have you aboard... Our goal is the same! Wish you the best.
Labman_1 Premium
Welcome to WA.
appleaday Premium
Welcome aboard!
georgejhaas Premium
Congratulations on reaching this milestone. Keep up the good work. I remember my first time at trying to get my first article written and my website live. Just remember, good content in your niche, will bring you good and amazing results. Stick with it and do not give up.

Good Luck!
Shawn Martin Premium
Welcome to WA and good luck!