About Cozma
Joined April 2010
Hello all. My name is Anna. I am a single mother tring to make it. I have a 9-5ish job that I am making hardly any money with. It is never guarenteed how much money I make day by day when you depend upon tips. Expecially when there is no buissness! I have recently stubled across the IM world and see great potential. I am very new to this and eager to learn. I am more than determined to make a living off of this. I as well hope to make some friends here at WA.
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webkab Premium
Thought I'd connect with you since we have been in WA about the same time together. I took the 30 day training twice and especially appreciate potpiegirls blogs and magistudio Jays wabinars and instructions. I launched a business at www.comforthealthybikesaddles.com that producing a small income right now. All because of WA. Best of luck to you and MUCH SUCCESS.
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Cozma Premium
Thanx. I checked them out but in the process found a tutorial video as well. Hope it may help you if you haven't already forund it yourself.


P.S. I need images and graphics. I noticed that you used FreeFoto. Do you know where to get free crediable ones that don't show where you got them? I noticed you have others like that don't have any text on them.
kadcpp Premium
This takes a long time and dedication but I believe it will be my salvation. Welcome to WA!
kadcpp Premium
You are quite welcome, I believe in honesty above all! Let me know if I can help.
kadcpp Premium
As I am still new I have focused on keywords and niche. I have not made any money with my site yet as it is about a month old and I am still tweaking it. There is a link on the left side of my page that take you to it if you wish as it may give you some ideas.
kadcpp Premium
Whoops I mean right side of page.
kadcpp Premium
Yes I used site rubix as I was in a hurry. I would probably not do it again without the wordpress download that lets you have access to a lot more templates and themes. There are a couple of tutorials here on the subject that walk you through it.
Also if you have trouble finding any thing a great tip is to click on the help button in the WA bar above and then click site map.
kadcpp Premium
Actually the rank is without quotes, with quotes it goes to fourth position. The rank has a lot to do with SEO and linking as well as content and keywords.
Look at your competition and their sites judge the content and links as you may be able to beat a lot of them by having better content and optimization.
kadcpp Premium
Below are the addresses for two of the tutorials on setting up the free website. Hope this helps.


Cozma Premium
Thank you so much for your inspiring words yet honest tone! I agree with you. I have been researching so much lately already before joining WA. I hope and believe it to help be the salvation of us both! :)
Cozma Premium
Thank you so much for your quick responses. No one else has communicated with me. I can tell that you are a dependable honest person (much like myself). I hope to stay in contact with you. If you can give me some tips and answers as I come across them, that would be lovely. So far I understand what is taught. Although, I have seem to hit a frustration. I was wanting to help people through finding work at home opportunites. I knew before hand that there is a lot of competition in this niche but didn't realize how much!!! I really want to help people in this category make money and of course make money myself doing so. The realization that I've come across is that I have gotten frustrated because of the competition. I do feel that my site would be better than most and become a sucess because of the honesty I had planed to put behind it. I just feel that this one will take a lot of time due to competition. Do you have any advice for me that would help my soon to be site get traffic? Thank you so much in advance for your time.
Cozma Premium
Looks good! I am suprised that you have not made any money with this yet! I have so many questions right now but don't want to bog you down. The most important to me right now is how to start my site. I have gone under the tools and resource section here and am not sure as to go about making the site. I have gone all over the rubix part of it. I thought that it only takes minuets but has takein me an hour just to look it all over. I don't too much care for the templates and basically want it to look quite different than what is offered. Did you use this method (rubix) to do your money in pajamas site?
Cozma Premium
Thank you for the advice. I was playing around with keywords and noticed the example of keywords with a niche. I read your explination but don't see how you got on the 1st page in 5th. That's amazing!!!! But, how many people do you think will put pajama money in " "s? I am still stuck on tring to find a good name for my site but want to eliminate a lot of the competition.
Cozma Premium
Good job!!! ;) I have reviewed your site. I like it a lot. It's kind of the approach I was going for. I am at a stand still though. I have been on here all day and am confused. I thought you get a free site here. Is that true? If so, how do I go about getting it started. I am so stuck and am going to take a break from this for the rest of the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!