About Crag
Joined July 2008
Welcome and thanks for viewing my WA space! Feel free to contact me for any reason at all. I would love to hear from you!

My goal with IM is to make the amount of many that I can live on happily.. There many things I would love to do where having a job that is not stuck to one location is ideal. I would also like to work with other people.

I am college student and amateur musician. I love both listening to and playing music. I also enjoy playing soccer, swimming, hiking, gardening and learning.
Crag's Accomplishments

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peggyh Premium
Thank you for your post to me...it is my first contact with anyone on WA. I am still trying to figure out a lot of things, like how to make a reply. I hope this works. I thank you with 5 gold for welcoming me. Thanks. Peggy
peggyh Premium
Hey Crag,
How is everything going for you? How are you doing with the 8 week plan? I am just finishing up week 2...hoped to be further along by now but have noticed I spend a lot of time in the forum. There are many treasures of information hidden there, just waiting to be uncovered and read again.
peggyh Premium
Hey Crag,
keep me posted on your new hubpage. I would love to visit it when you're done. I need to get up the courage to do one, too.
peggyh Premium
Hey thanks-it certainly looks better than a question mark! We don't have polar bears near here but I like the looks of them. The other pictures are from near here. I see you've earned some gold--good for you! Are you liking this site? I am learning lots and feel like I am progressing down the path toward success further each day. Hope you're doing great. I have 2 of my daughters looking over my shoulder today, and they are having fun looking at peoples' profiles. I showed them that you were the first to welcome me to WA and they were excited. Take care!
peggyh Premium
Hey thanks for the update and we all are hoping for you, that the fire threat ends and you can return to your home and all will be safe and well for you. Yes, I do feel that things are looking up for me. I was worried that I would get too overwhelmed with all the info here and be too shy to talk to people, and not know where to begin. However, everything seems to be turning out positive and I find that I can really connect here. Both with the learning modules and with the fantastic people--you included. Are you also finding great help here?
Crag Premium
Congratulations on setting up a blog! Good to see you moving forward
Take Care
jaykay21089 Premium
G'day Craig,

It's Johnson. I appreciate the effort your putting in to write. Jumping over hurdles and destroying obstacles that get in your way are the properties of an excellent IMer. You're only starting out, you've got a long way to go, but of course that isn't without support. As long as you want, I'm gonna keep bugging you to write in the blog everyday and give you a hand here on WA in any way I can. I can't do much (yet) but I'll do what I can.

Congratulations on updating your "about me" page and I'm sure, in time, there will be much more to say "about you" with your success in IM. =)

Good luck mate,

jaykay21089 Premium
G'day Craig,

Good job on your 2nd entry. I forgot to ask, what sort of musician are you? I've got an appreciation for music and used to play the violin for a while. I've been learning Japanese for more than 10 years but am not that good.

keep on truckin' mate,

jaykay21089 Premium
G'day Craig,

Thanks for the condolences about the sickness. I seriously have a crappy immune system x_x

Don't worry about your first article being crap. Honestly, if we all were awesome writers and pumped out 50 awesome articles per day, IM would be too easy. The fun of IM is in the challenge.

And don't worry about the time wasting, it happens to the best of us. Lol, I'm doing it now when I should be writing more articles myself =P. A technique I use is setting time limits. Don't just say, "I'll write this article today", be crazy and add in "I'll write this article today and have it finished by 5:00 pm" Your mind kicks in, you focus and get more done. I tried it the other day and I could feel my brain change gears. No joke.

Don't worry buddy, you're doing well.

jaykay21089 Premium
Hey Craig,

Thanks for understanding. That actually makes me feel a lot better =).

That e-book you mentioned actually rings a bell... I might look it up and check it out.

You're right. We are a team. We're all gonna succeed in IM and be young and rich.

Thank you for the support and I'm glad you're part of the team.


jaykay21089 Premium
Hey Craig,

There's a good post on the forum which Kyle started up. Check out...

Success is as EASY as 1-2-3 (CHECK THIS OUT)...

That thread is totally AWESOME to get your head around how important IM is.

Live, breathe, do research, is pretty much the idea.

Hey, dw, I realised just recently that its's important as well. We'll try and nut it out together.

Take it easy man, ur doing well.

jaykay21089 Premium
G'day Craig,

Congratulations on starting your first article. That is a huge step for someone who is not confident in writing.

IM is all about overcoming obstacles, especially those that are subconsciously put up by yourself. Becoming a successful IMer relies on overcoming your own shortcomings and you are doing well.

I'm learning heaps about myself as well. It takes different amounts of time for different people to achieve success, but as long as we keep trying, we'll all get there, especially since we have our little support group.

If you're comfortable with it, maybe you'd like me have a read of what you have in your article and make a few suggestions?

I'm not an expert, but I have 9 articles up on ezinearticles.com. The offer is always there. Feel free to ask whenever you'd like.

Keep on truckin' mate, you're making good, steady progress.

jaykay21089 Premium
G'day Craig,

Lol nice hair. nah it's a cool pic, ur alrite =P.

And you are doing perfectly fine just researching and writing, slow and steady wins' the race, does it not?

You're doing awesome, mate. Keep on truckin,'

jaykay21089 Premium
Hey Craig,

congrats on making your first hub today. I actually did that as well. Didn't really research it, it was off the top of my head for my first niche but at least i have some experience about it. I realized that it's really similar to a squidoo lens now. but presonally i prefer the hub. it's "cleaner" lol.

keep up the good work,

jaykay21089 Premium
g'day Craig,

you've done much writing today yet, mate?

that blog's looking a bit empty down there =]

keep on truckin',

jaykay21089 Premium
it's alright mate,

as long as it's under control. I'm always here to give you a hand, remember that.

jaykay21089 Premium
hey craig,

we all need a break once in a while. you been doin much other than IM to stay refreshed?

i've been working at a salad bar couple days now. its my last weekend b4 i start uni again.

neway, hope once u start working on IM again, it'll be successful.

keep on truckin' mate,

jaykay21089 Premium
good job updating that blog, Craig,
even if not much has been done for the day, having some sort of constant routine keeps you grounded.
we're all young, it's hard staying focused. it's the least we can do, as well as working together.
keep on workin at it, don't forget to ask for help or direction if you need it.

jaykay21089 Premium
Whoa. Fire. Not cool. Hot.

There are bushfires down here in Australia as well.

But they're up in the place called "Gippsland" in teh moutains, where there's a lot of dry forests.

Hopefully it doens't threaten your existence, likeXandra said below. PM us if there's anything we can do, don't forget!

Here's some gold for at least writing the blog. hope you can get more done tomorrow.

jaykay21089 Premium
good job with the blog craig,

hopefully that fire stays contained.

congratualtions on finishing your squid. mind if you post the link up sometime? you're actually ahead of me. I dislike lenses for some reason. I prefer hubs but oh well.

keep on truckin',

jaykay21089 Premium
G'day Craig,

I like it that you are thinking about your goals. It is that Desire that makes you want to seek and get started initially with IM, no?

I know that for me, thinking so much about my goals has helped me to develop my thinking. So I know that this will greatly benefit you as well.

Hope your making good progress with your campaigns,

jaykay21089 Premium
Hey Craig,

Congratulations on starting your first landing page!

You deserve some gold for that! *throws gold at Craig*

I'll tell you now it's probably going to be crap. In fact, it probably won't show up on Google. However, learning the process of setting one up and just doing something is going to get you setting up professional, high converting landing pages sooner. Right?

What platform are you using for it? blogs, squidoo, hubpages? maybe sitebuilder on WA?

Good luck!

jaykay21089 Premium
That book isn't an e-book, but a real publication. You can borrow it from the library or have a browse of it in any good book store.


jaykay21089 Premium
G'day Craig,

What've you been up to lately?

jaykay21089 Premium
Good job maintaining the daily blog, Craig!

I totally agree with you about things in life that hinder your thought process. It's really important for us to keep our minds open to new opportunities which may arise that allow us the access the potential of our dreams... like IM!

The self-discovery is good as well. I've had so many of those on my IM journey that I've lost count how many things I've learned about myself. Keep up the good work, mate! Sooner or later, you'll be confidently writing and publishing material like it's always been easy for you. ;)

Keep on truckin, you're doing great,

jaykay21089 Premium
Yeah nah uni's been alright,

I just caught a cold and throat infection on Friday.

But I"m all better now.

Gotta set up a couple landing pages and write some articles to them.

I'm going to get my first sale by the 28th of August!

How are you going with your campaigns?

jaykay21089 Premium
Hey Craig,

How's the IM been goin?
jaykay21089 Premium
Hey Craig,

Hope you've had some time to do some IM. It really will pay off in the long run, if you keep on working at it.

I know how it feels to try and juggle school and IM at the same time. Hell, I'm doing it now. It's nearly midnight on Sunday, the 31st of August and I've got uni tomorrow. But I won't let it beat me. I'm going to succeed in IM!

And so will you.

Good luck, my friend.

jaykay21089 Premium
Cheers for the gold mate!

What're you studying atm? How many contact hrs do you have (if ur at uni)

haha u keep on truckin' as well!

jaykay21089 Premium
Yeah lol atm is at the moment. yeah contact hours generally means no of hours studied in class/uni.

wow you're a pretty arty student, huh? I wish I could've studied philosophy, but I didn't have enough room for it in my timetable.

5.5 hours per week is puny! Unless u mean 5.5 hours per day, which is pretty normal. Yeah the commutation is crazy down here in Melbourne, Australia as well.

I'm studying Science at the University of Melbourne. This semester I'm doing Genetics and the Evolution of Life, Engineering Systems Design 2, Linear Algebra and Japanese 3B.

So are you of German descent? Or just been studying it at school?

Nice getting to know you a little bit better mate. :)

jaykay21089 Premium
Hey Craig,

Thanks for the warm words. Much appreciated mate =)

I'm aiming for $100 before September the 28th. I might get there, might not. I'm working on churning out 7 articles tonight. I think I'm onto something.

Even if I don't achieve this goal, I'll keep on truckin' and aim for my next goal... $250/month before October 28!

Hope you get well soon and have some success with IM.

jaykay21089 Premium
Cheers mate =)
You been spending much time IMing?
Or been too caught up with uni? It's tough, doing these two at the same time.
But as long as our Why's are strong enough, we'll succeed in both!

jaykay21089 Premium
Haha... at least you're being realistic.

I've questioned why I'm going to uni as well. But I have some pretty strong reasons to go.

Don't worry, I ramble too. It happens to the best of us.

Keep us posted with what's happening, hey?

jaykay21089 Premium
thanks Craig =)

Hopefully you could derive some sense out of my crazy blogs! =P


Crag Premium
Hey thanks keeping in touch. As far as being a musician I play trumpet in community and college groups. And I am studying classical piano. How far did you get with violin? I know how it is with language I studied language for a while, but I didn't have much chance to actually practice so it makes it very difficult to learn.
Crag Premium
Sorry to hear your not feeling the best. Anyhow good work on your blog, both at Wordpress and here. On your Wordpress blog I would suggest that you put your WA affiliate link somewhere, maybe the links menu, so that the readers will be able to check out the site that you are using.
Best Wishes
Crag Premium
Thanks for the Advise!
Crag Premium
Hey man you are doing fine! it is ok to be get a little of track. I figured that we were a team and not competition so if we are having trouble with something we could discuss it. Don't worry I realized that I was trying to write articles without doing enough research. If you haven't read the Big Cat strategy I recommend you look at that. It has five modules which cover the process of creating a campaign.
Best Wishes
Crag Premium
Congratulations on your first tutorial! I like the ideas in it. simple and straight forward.Thanks for the encouragement. I did get farther along, and some of the writing will work. I probably won't have anyone look at this article, but I would like to write an article that you could review. I will make that my goal for today.
Crag Premium
Thanks for the message! (I am insecure about certain things) I hope you get your blog indexed, I don't know nothin' 'bout dat. By the way, what are you studying at the university?
Crag Premium
Congratulations on getting Joomla set up!
You will succeed:-)
Crag Premium
Thanks for the concern, but I am doing fine. I didn't' write an entry yesterday because I got distracted by other things, again. Some of it was important and some of it wasn't. I hope have a few things to do today but I should have plenty of time to work.
Best Wishes
Crag Premium
Hey thanks for keeping track of my progress. (I really appreciate it even if I don't leave you messages). I also like hubs better but I am trying lenses. I don't know If I want to post a link to my lenses I know that may sounds strange, but, like usual, I would be extremely embarrassed. I have always had problems with showing people my work in pretty much any situation. (That would be a good thing for me to get over.) I know my lenses have problems and sometimes I write in a very strange way. If you give any broad niche I will force myself to write something that you can look over, it would actually help me quite a bit..I would also be interested in working on group campaign too, which could be beneficial to everyone involved.

I hope everything is going good for you.
Best Wishes
Crag Premium
How is University going? IS it taking all of your time? I imagine so.
I hope everything is going good
Crag Premium
Right now I am using squidoo, but I will probably set up others after I submit a few articles. You are probably right it is giong to suck :-( But I have practiced writing these types of things on other subjects and I think it is going better than before. I have to remember that engaging the audiences curiosity is very important. I made some changes last night that are definately less boring then before.

Hood luck with everything you are doing. I can imagine you are very busy. I will check out that ebook.
Crag Premium
Hey how has your Weekend been? DId you get much done? I hope University is going well
Best Wishes
Crag Premium
Hey I know it has been a while: since I started school I have done next to nothing IM related, except for today I started back up again. I will still have time to work :-)
Just checking in
Crag Premium
Hey Johnson. I know I haven't updated my blog recently buy I have been working on IM::-) And I have no plans on quitting anytime soon. I do have enough time with school but I just have to use my time well.

Gotta get writin'
Crag Premium
Hey just dropin' a message (and givin' back some of the the gold you gave me:-) Good to see you have not lost your desire to keep workin' even though you have not had success. I know how it is with being tired after school, some days I am gone from 6:00am-10:pm, you probably have a harder class load than me though. I hope you find time to be successful.
Keep on truckin' mate.
Crag Premium
I going to assume that atm is at the moment. And contact hours the number of hours I am actually at school, or is it in class? Of is something else. . At this moment I am studying history ,philosophy, German, political science and music. The only class that will take a lot of work is the philosophy. Besides that everything shouldn't be difficult. I am actually in class only 3.5-55hours.But I have to commute and I have performance groups in the evenings, that's why I am usually home late.

Let me know if I interpreted the terms right. By the way, what are you studying?

Crag Premium
Yea 5.5 hours per day ( I wouldn't consider myself going to school at 5.5 hours per week). You could consider me an arty student for sure. I don't really have any long term course plans. I am just taking classes that either will help me improve myself or meets certain requirements so if I decide to pursue anything further I will have the GE out of the way.

No, I am not of German descent. Learning languages, or at least exposing myself to different languages will be a useful tool in the future because I want to travel. I am thinking of starting next summer, but nothing for sure yet ( I need to save up a little money one way or another).

Speakin' of makin' money I think I do a little work now, or at least some school work.

Crag Premium
Good to see your workin' (I can't say as much for myself, I have not been concentrating on IM lately, but I have made myself smaller goals that I can easily achieve with my schedule :-) I am taking today off from school so I will be able to some IM, along with school and resting (I have a mild cold). Your blogs inspiring;-)
Crag Premium
Good luck! :-) I hope your persistence starts returning results. Keep on trying things

Crag Premium
Na, I haven't been doing a lot of IM, just small steps. I am not going to fool myself that I will have any type of real "success" by putting in the time I am, but I am learning slowly moving forward. Besides colleges I also have music which, unfortunately, gets shoved aside when I try and do both school and IM. I will have to work on that. I actually have been questioning recently why I am going to school. Besides learning, experience and some social experiences, I have no reason to go. But, I guess those reasons are good reasons to go:-) Well I should stop ramblin (you caught me in one of my moods).

Crag Premium
Happy Birthday! Great ideas:-) Focus is important.

robbied Premium
What music instruments do you play? And I like your theory - I want to have enough money to be happy, and that's it.
- Rob
robbied Premium
I play bass guitar in a Dad band (all our kids go to the same school). Tons of fun, better than going to the bar :)
Crag Premium
Thanks for visiting my space! Right now I play trumpet and piano. Do you play any instruments? Right now I play trumpet mostly in community groups and I am studying classical piano. Eventually I will study other aspects too.
- Craig