About Crarae
Joined December 2009
Hey I'm a senior citizan of the world living in Scotland, Enjoying life as it comes, hopiny to learn how to make a steady income on the Webb
My interests are Trout and Salmon Fishing, Golf, My two dogs--Lurcher called Twiggy and Jack Russell Timmy
Crarae's Accomplishments

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iFaith Premium
A pleasure to meet you and looking forward to getting to know you. Your interests are great niches/markets for Internet Marketing. Do what you love and the rest will follow. Blessings!
iFaith Premium
I just checked my WA gold for the first time and found out you sent me some - much thanks!
crarae Premium
Hi, Thanks for the blessing I wish you all happiness
and good fortune in your efforts.
Cheers Ian (crarae)
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Garage667 Premium
Hello Crarae!Wow must me exciting living in Scotland!It's the place i always wanted to visit!Thank you so much for the gold!Wishing you the best of luck and success here at WAU!Talk to you soon!
Krys Premium
Thank you for the gold :)
crarae Premium
Help It's great to be here but a bit overwhelming.
I think I need guiding by the hand