About Creekguy
Joined October 2008
Hello everyone, well, here I go on another adventure. I have been interested in online marketing and such for some time. I have had the entrepeneur spirit for quite some time. Currently I work on the promotional side with a NASCAR team and have been doing so for over seven years. I have gotten tired of living out of a suitcase and with the crazy economy, I'm not sure of my job status for next year so I thought I woud dive in.

I hope I can pick up on this and actually make a few dollars, I feel motivated enough but as we all know, it's never quite as easy as it sounds. But, I will give it a serious shot and we'll see! I never worry too much as things always seem to work out, just gotta have faith right?

I live in Minnesota, but I'm rarely there because of my work. I'm looking forward to having somewhat of a normal life again. My family is there and I have two children as well, so it would be nice to see them once in a while. I worked in radio for several years and ran my own local racetrack prior to getting into the NASCAR deal. So,if anyone needs any voicework, let me know as I would be glad to help.

Feel free to drop me a line anytime and I look forward to meeting you!

Best of luck and God bless!!
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manifest Premium
Hello Creekguy,
Welcome. As you say it's not as easy as it sounds, but you will learn strong foundations here, save time and money.
If your goal is to make a business you'll reach your goals. It takes time and energy but you will be rewarded. Have fun while learning and experimenting at the beginning, don't expect to make money "right now" but give it some time and you will see results.
Linblair Premium
Welcome to WA! I am always looking for people to share ideas with. Here is to your success and once again, welcome!
Creekguy Premium
That's probably a good idea... strangely enough I haven't pursued that avenue. Might be good for a blog, the search engines love blogs, so... thanks for the tip!!
Creekguy Premium
Nope, no luck with that plan either. I tried it in firefox as well without and results... bummer!
Hilamaya Premium
Hello Crekguy!!!

We are new here and just to wish you good luck !!

Have a nice one !!!

llm Premium
Hello Creekguy. I saw you are from Minnesota, and I just had to say "Hi", from one Minnesotan to another. It's 15 below here right now...not as bad as last week when it was 30 below!! Oh, how we love it here!! My Husband is a big Nascar fan, so keep up the good work with that!
I see you have been with WA for a little while now. How is it going for you??
llm Premium
Hey back, and yes, I know where the "Big ball of Twine" is. I live near Lake Park--it's between Detroit Lakes and Fargo.
Thanks for the Niche idea about pet grooming/pet care--I have thought about that idea, but have no clue where to start yet. I see AVlady suggested something for you on the Nascar idea and I think that would be a very good idea. But than again, I'm a newbie too, and don't know a thing, but it really sounds like a good idea. Keep in touch!
Creekguy Premium
Hi and welcome to WA! You may have a good niche with the pet grooming and care! Where are you in MN? I live near Hutchinson (Darwin actually if you know where the worlds biggest ball of twine is!). It is definetly chilly this am... -17 when I got up, but is warming up a bit.

I got laid off from my NASCAR job about a month ago so I am taking advantage of the opportunity to get my IM business up to speed. I haven't made any money yet but I am still in the learning mode. I'm a little more motivated now! lol But I will get there. I found I was trying to learn it all right away and got a bit overwhelmed with it all. I advise to really take it slow and don't move on until you have it down. Don't be distracted by all of the other 'stuff' out there as you will figure out what you need when the time comes.

Anyway, nice to see another Minnesotan here and I wish you the best! If there is anything I can ever do to help you out, let me know. Have a great day and stay warm!
