Last Update: September 02, 2010

Do not give up and change how you look and think about it all.

I posted this and think it was worth putting it on my blog here. Not because i think it  is but others have said" it helped them." I love to see others get the help they need.

Hi, let me say I feel your pain or is it my pain, either way it hurts. I hope you don't give up on your learning how to do this IM thing. It is all about value, $360 not bad, yes bad ROI if you only count the money. I can not tell others how to look at their bottom line, but when I count the money and then what I did learned from my investment, it helped me to have a different value of my bottom line.

I know that the WHY I am doing anything helps me evaluate that bottom line. My approach to IM was to learn how to do it and along the way if I made any money, well, that was good. I have given myself one year to get the knowledge on the how. My why has three part, money, work from home, and be able to help others.

I think too many people find them selves in need for many reasons and start looking for a way to make money. They find IM someway and see it as a way to start make money now. I know , I though money would come in fast at first. The mind set that I started with and the goal I started with, keeps me from getting to down as the road blocks to my goal gets in my way.

I think you made a post so you might get some help of some kind. That is why I posted , I like to help others get it and doing so, I then don't feel my pain as much and maybe they don't either

I hope the best for you and if you need to talk you can PM me. I want say good luck, because as you said,"it is hard work" but somethings going our way would help.

Ed :D :? :shock: :| :?:
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Jamie Smith Premium
Yes, never give up.
krafty Premium
You have the right attitude for IM success. Learning is priceless. Personally, I re-invest half of all of earnings back into my internet business. My plan is to continue to grow my business without having to spend countless hours personally to do it.

What some people don't realize is that failures and errors are great for pushing you forward. You can read and read which is good, but personal trial and error is just as important if not more.