Moving Forward

Last Update: October 05, 2010

It is approaching the one month mark since I joined Wealthy Affiliate September 7, 2010.  My expectations have been more than met.  The quality of the information, tools, and support that are available to members is second to none.  The step by step instructional tutorials help to make learning the information easier than I anticipated.  By all means, do not take my comment as an indication that learning all that Wealthy Affiliate exposes its members to is easy because it is not !    

The sheer volume of information alone is enough to frighten the faint hearted.   Add the unique complexities of Internet Marketing on top of that and it is not difficult to understand why and / or how any "NEWBIE" to IM can instantly feel overwhelmed and lost.  When I feel this way (which is often), I have learned to immediately get away from the computer.......come back to whatever I was doing after taking a little break to clear my head and my frustration.  I am constantly reminding myself that "Internet Marketing" is an elephant that must be eaten one bite at a time no matter how badly and / or quickly I want to know everything.


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Louise M. Premium
Great mindset! Glad you like this place. :) To your success!
Khairul Anwar Premium
Congratz for making a good laerning progress here buddy. You put your words perfectly there. Hope to see you succeed. good luck