Interesting Results After 30 Articles

Last Update: January 28, 2012

I must say I am surprised that after 30 Articles in about three weeks, all with quality content, beneficial to the audience for life-changing strategies, and no self-promotion or of products either. 

So is this why I have a .07 CTR with 1,700 article views at an average of 100 per day? Literally 2 clicks out of 1,700 views. Is this because I don't have a product as a niche?

I thought people were tired of being sold to and offering true professional advice for free would be a welcome cause.

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Moonshadow Premium
Curtis, go visit the site at 'Ivetriedthat' and look at how he does it. With all the energy you are putting in you will get results if you learn how to bait your hook, and, use the right kind of bait.

Robert Pummer