About Dan R. Crouch
Joined November 2006
I have been a member of WA for over two years now and have done nothing with it. I have been exploring all kinds of internet training and have not found anything that has brought substantial income. However, I have learned and gained confidence that I did not have before. So I have come back with a determination to make a committment to make the most I possibly can from my relationship with WA and all of you who are here.

My career has been as a pastor and I have been pastoring churches for the past 41 years. I have been blessed by my work and the people that I have been around and my faith is a very important part of my life. It has sustained me through the good and the difficult times.

I want to earn a fulltime living from IM so that I can spend the latter years of my life writing and helping others find happiness in their lives. I feel my many experiences over the years of pastoral ministry can be an encouragement to others as I have the opportunity to free my time and pursue some inner desires that I have.

I have purchased the accredited courses and am now working on lesson one of the first package. I decided I need to give the same committment to my online career as I have to my many years of service to the church.

I look forward to meeting many of you in the space here and in the forum and other areas of WA.

The pic of the lady in blue is my wife of 41 years. Her name is Nancy.

Keep looking up!

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Dan R. Crouch Premium
I have been away for the last 10 days due to illness in our family. We dropped everything and made a trip from our home in Arizona to Texas. My Wife's sister has been very ill with the diagnosis being a brain tumor. I am now home so I can get back to work. I took my laptop and my Verizon internet hook up with me but the connection in Dallas was so bad that I really couldn't do much. Keep looking up! Dan
detect2173 Premium
Hi dan. Thanks for the note! I appreciate that. If there is one thing I've learned about IM it's that persistence is the key. I am hoping I can keep focused and perservere through the learning curve. To me it's the hardest part since I am already aware of my own weaknesses (writing being on top of that list!). Give me a calculus or physics problem and I'll solve it in a minute. Ask me to write a few sentences about something? Well, I'd have a better chance at a trans-Atlantic flight with home made wings! lol Anyhow, I wish you, and everyone else here the best of luck. I do have some pertinent skills so if there is EVER anything I can do to help, please feel free to ask! I now know for sure that this is a team sport despite individual agendas.

By the way, we are a family of faith. It's kind of the family "business" as my wife's grandfather is the pastor, my mmother-in-law runs the schools at church etc. It's a huge component in our lives. I also hope to get better acquainted, and look forward to some more chatting! take care.

dominodivine Premium
Hey Dan.... you must stay focus I did exactly what you did but I actually deleted my account ... so came back very committed since I started doing MLM I wanted know how to market online not just with social media and honestly WA has helped me in so many way already.

Just stay focus and committed.
Dan R. Crouch Premium
Hi, Devon, Thank you for your words of encouragement. I will look forward to checking in on your success! Keep looking up! Dan
cfive Premium
Hi Dan, I know you have perseverance because you have been in the ministry for 41 years. You certainly can succeed at IM. You just need to find the niche that appeals to your ideals and then it will be second nature.

If we eat, sleep and work full time in any field particularly that of our Lord, it is hard to think or do anything else. We need to be sold out to the Lord as Christians but we need to be diverse humans as well. The wife and I worked with youth and a number of teaching ministries in the church over the years. Personally, I struggled with how much time I should devote to the ministry, my family, hobbies and my regular 9 to 5 job. Took me awhile but found balance and that is key. After 41 years being a Pastor I hope you have learned that balance. I have seen and worked under some who still don't have it and they are quite stressed most days.

I believe in your blog you mentioned something about a professional student who lacked application. I have been a victim of that in the past on the "flip side". I would learn just enough to be dangerous about a business and take off like a bull a china shop. We need to be well studied in any field. But, without application, trial and error in the IM area we just can't grow. Get out there and dabble with your IM knowledge, use a pen name while you practice if that will make you less self conscious. God Bless, Chris
Dan R. Crouch Premium
Hey Chris, Thank you for your words of encouragement. I think like you I have come full circle and am ready to slow down and make the committment to stick with the learning process until it bares fruit. I am glad to say that as a norm my life is free from stress as God has become my peace. I will look forward to sharing and learning from your success as a marketer. Thank you again for your response, Dan