2012 - Day 005 - Walking on Nails an Entire Lifetime!

Last Update: January 05, 2012


To All Individuals Who Want the Most Life Can Offer
But Are Trapped in Jobs that Restrict the Door to True Personal Freedom
May this Book Be Your Guide to Creative Transition
During a visit with my family for a two-week period in August 2009, one of the nights, I had stayed in the home of my younger brother.  I was up at the crack of dawn with him.  He was getting ready for another day changing truck tires for a fast-paced and well-established tire shop in Holyoke, Massachusetts.  At one point he muttered, "Oh brother!" under his breath.  I could fully relate to my brother's expression.  I knew exactly what was bothering him.  He continued on, heating up a bowl of spaghetti from left-overs in his refrigerator.  It was 6:36 am.  He hurried through his cheap breakfast and guzzled down a glass of milk to wash the spaghetti down.
"Oh brother!"  There it was again.  I had to ask him, "What is it?  It is your job?"  We had a short discussion and that I could relate in every way with what he was going through.  I only knew it well myself...drag myself out the door to do something I would rather not do...but as a matter of expedience, it is something I must do.
He went off on his bicycle.  Unfortunately, my brother is laden down with debt and is stuck right where he is...a prime example of what some call this sense of entrapment...wage slavery.
This is what this book is about.  It delves into a plight millions of people take for normalcy.  Why do we do it?  We put ourselves in such a condition, thinking this is something we are supposed to do!  Whilst most people wouldn't consider running the rat race, as it has been called, any sort of punishment, for far more than half of the entire workforce, this is no picnic!  Yes, we are all aware that it's a rat race, but millions of people do it throughout entire lifetimes, thinking their entire personal lives must revolve around this highly routinized center.

Then, when all is said and done...at the eve of oblivion, millions of folks lay on their deathbeds...tired, broke and having been enslaved, lay there in deep regret.  An ounce of discipline could have wavered  the tons of regret.  For what are we responsible?  We sing our songs...not those of others, for doing the latter, our cemeteries are filled with unfinished symphonies, never anymore to be heard. 

The human being is much adept to withstanding great pain and it is a great wonder so many of us can walk through our lives with nails in the bottoms of our feet!  We are compelled to forget the nails are there and pretend everything is hunky-dory, but deep, deep within some of us, we know something just isn't right.  So questions about it come up...and we quickly suppress them...
After all, this is what we are supposed to do...and we just continue quietly and in anguish...


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smokeywins Premium
Great post. You've already got me hook as your comments are so very true. Any chance your book will be available as an eBook for the Kindle? If so I would so buy it :-)
Well, one of the reasons it's here is, as I've already expected...even as you wrote your post here, I've edited this first snippet. It is found in near the bottom. I thought the bit about the regret many people have when they have come to the end of their lives, destined to be quickly forgotten, as is life under the sun, this would engage folks to read on. The book will not be readye for awhile but one of my goals is to put it up there. Someone has already brought Kindle to my attention. I wasn't aware of publishing accounts there. Just read on, from day to day and when we've gotten through it, I believe this book will be more than ready to go to the marketplace.