Putting On a Thicker Skin

Last Update: July 29, 2012
Some of the blog posts I'd gotten a couple days ago are right on the spot.

It deals with rejection from where there was once a fairly close friendship. This is an area where I fail most miserably.

In a nutshell, it's letting others control me. I don't mean being put to work. What I do mean is letting the actions of others control how I'm going to handle it.

It is never nice when you say something you mean well in saying but it backfires and you get shown the door instead.

It has happened here, and I'm sure it isn't uncommon.

All it takes is one or two misplaced words and you can lose the hard-earned respect in the blink of an eye.

It can be anything. In my case, I usually find myself trying to contribute something and it could be that I'm not respected when I say something that gets me manhandled out of the room because I formed my words wrong (that has happened a times, esp. when I was younger.)

But it can happen here or anywhere at that. I admit, I let the actions of other, actions I have no control over, affect my work.

I am now ten articles behind on my own schedule because I let an incident control that rather than doing what athletes do ...unless it is life-threatening or otherwise very serious, normal work should go on.

This doesn't only apply to lost friendships, but just about anything life can throw at us.

I am a very sensitive person. I tend to wear things on my shoulders rather than on my sleeve. I had it coming at me from both here and outside at once a few days ago. I said something in here that offended someone and lost that friendship. It was totally unintentional and has been bothering me since I found myself shut out.

This isn't the time to be fretting over things I have no control over. I worked my last day in the job that has been supporting me through. I was videotaping the work I was doing on yet another job Friday. The person having me work with him totally freaked out because I was recording with my GoPro camera. The business and personal relationship with my landlord has dropped off. All of this was going on at the time I gave my contribution here that got me blocked. So, overbearing as it was, I broke under it.

About my personality, I can't really apologize for because I'd be apologizing for my very existence. I am who I am and trying to learn how to socialize properly.

Albeit, the worst thing to do in a situation like this is to drop the important things needing done. I have done this and am guilty of it. Now the initial shock is past and it's time to put it behind and get back to my work like some have strongly suggested.

Mind you, a lot of issues are going on outside as I continually deal with money issues, etc. As for getting around people who are suffering in some way, that I have not mastered. I don't always say the right things in these kind of situations and it is not only awkward to me, but the person who is suffering. It makes me a poor candidate for doing the encouraging because I don't always come up with the right things to say.

Trying to delve into an area where one is incompetent can have devastating effects as I have seen. I saw that in the job I was doing as well when I attempted to use equipment I knew nothing about and could have sent a wooden stud airborne. Fortunately that didn't happen, but it certainly puts me on a much lower level of respect with the person whom I was helping.

There are simply some areas where I need to be silent and simply stay out of it. I'm not always ready for the outcome, as has been the case this time around, and lost about two days of solid production on my campaigns.

In situations like that, I will be silent, but areas where I can help out will not be effected.

The moral here is that the best of writers are not immune to making a statement at the wrong time ...or offending with carelessly-placed words. I'm not putting myself on a pedestal for being a good writer, simply what others say of me. This stuff still crops up in my life, but seemingly not as much as it used to. I think, a lot of that comes from simply minding my own business, like I'm often told to do.

If I had better charisma and having done more things that average people do in life, I might have more of a license to speak about a particular thing. This has been my handicap and I've been here two and one-half years not only learning Internet marketing, but far more over, learning how to communicate effectively.

I know where I still need improvement.
  • I know that the athlete who will not go out to train when it's raining will not make the grade.
  • The apprentice who has his eye on the goal will get through that rain.
  • The warrior who forgets his shield perishes. The warrior who is using his is protected.
  • That's also what armour is for.
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Sunflower01 Premium
You hit the "trick" on the head. It is indeed a balance to hold onto sensitivity in the world but also NOT own another person's issue. Other people need time to grow too and we can not own what is theirs. When we feel surprised by these little landmines that are part of being alive with others, it is often good to back off for ourselves and to give the other person space as well. Just giving that space for the sacred to flow in for your own wholeness and peace is a-okay. Resist negative analysis and do what you can do to nurture self. And if that other person does not come round, its okay to let them go on their journey . You might have been a seed of growth for them and so you move on.
A LOT of things this year have snapped together and things made much better sense. I came through life almost literally in a long gone time, during the times of the first century, when living in the woods. Mixed with our technology, I still resort to many of the older concepts, even today using technologies from those days.

Today I am learning how to communicate with people and learning how people are wired. In this, I have become far more patient with things like this, though it always hurts when a friendship I treasure has dissolved for no apparent reason and without warning.

I appreciate your input. You seem to have it pretty well together and balanced. It has always been my quest to understand the world in which we live, from the outer reaches to the fragile nano world, and everything in the betwixt.
bigstevec Premium
sometimes the mouth functions before the brain engages - it happens to everyone - everybody has faults but some people don't realize that - if you are someone's friend, then they should accept your discretions as they should realize that they are guilty of discretions of their own - it's a 2 way street - if they don't see that then maybe they're not worthy of being your friend

i say that because the same thing happened to me not that long ago - i was definitely wrong but my "friend" had been wrong so many times in the past but i had always overlooked it becase he was my "friend"

we are no longer "friends" i don't regret losing him as a "friend" - i do regret apparently never having him as a "friend" but not seeing it
I think your second point here hits home. Friendships can be superficial ...until you cross a line somewhere and doors slam shut. I've been highly respected at times ...and the next day, the biggest jerk that ever walked the earth. One slip and some folks are very quick to make you a foe. What makes me concerned about all this now is that something like this can affect my plans and future. News travels.

Because I expressed all of this, Respect for me as a member seems to have dropped and was probably better to have said nothing because it was negative. Sending a specific PM was probably a huge mistake for me. It has not been answered, nor am I getting much of a response to anything in the Live Chat beyond greeting.
splashduck Premium
Hi Daniel,

Sorry to hear you had a bit of a difficult time lately. I find that sometimes when difficulties arise taking some time out and doing things I enjoy can help a bit, like listening to music or drawing or hanging out with my ducks. Take care:)
In order to take a bit of the edge off, I went ahead and joined the Jade Dynasty MMORPG. It has really soothing music on it and pretty graphics. Not so much into the gameplay as simply exploring around there. Music is a wonderful thing and it is mood-enhancing.
Ty Johnson Premium
It sounds to me like you have a very nice way of conveying your thoughts. I have no idea what happened but if you spoke your mind based on a belief you hold I would think that you should stand behind your conviction.

Just because someone was offended does not automatically make you wrong.

Now you say you have no control and you are who you are. I am going to respectfully disagree just slightly, you are who you are but, you can be who you want to be.

It's a choice we make every time we are faced with something, it's a choice we make to discipline ourselves to not react with a temper, and believe me I know more about overcoming a temper than anyone in WA would ever believe.

When I was younger I had a very volatile temper and even now if pushed I can still get mad with the best of them.

Your's may or may not be a temper problem I don't know, but the same applies I think, you have the power to be who you want to be, it's a matter of taking the bull by the horns and it can be so hard to overcome a reputation among family and friends, but it can be done.

The thing is, no matter what you do some people are bound to get sore and take offence but as you said you can not allow that to discourage you are hinder you. Why give someone else that kind of power over you?

I changed things about myself that I didn't like and even years later I still have a reputation for being hot headed among my family, even tho I have not lost my temper with or near any of them in a very long time. I don't let that bother me tho.

Life is what we make of it, it really is that simple.
Let me clarify what I mean by "no control." I strongly believe that we can make of ourselves anything we want, however, that takes time and there are learning curves. What we cannot control is how others are going to take what we say.

As for the issue itself, I chose to exclude it from here as a matter of respect for the one who rejected me and anyone else who would be thwarted by such a response. However, the lessons that come from it are invaluable.

Rejection is that we should not shrink from as is customarily what I do in response. I realize that sometimes doing good things can get one rejected. I had a question about whether I had violated anything and still don't know. I went as far as asking Kyle for some advice on this, simply stupid as that might be to some folks. It's where I'm short. I know it. I've asked.

I also know that some of the most messed-up people have become legacies. So, I know it is very possible to change one's own life, and that is not what I mean by lack of control.

In the present time, I am who I am. This doesn't mean I will be who I am for ever. We are a product of all of our experiences in life. In this wise, we kinda don't have control until we can project beyond our data banks of experiences. Some call that "faith," since it is beyond experience. It only comes from continued learning. If we lack knowledge in a certain thing, that is much less control we have over it ...until it is learned.

I might not have certain control over something I don't know how to deal with. It isn't to say this would continue for ever.

There are nuances from my past life that are in control even today. I think that is incontrovertible for any person. It's like a huge jigsaw puzzle. There are simply parts of the picture in my own life that I cannot see yet. One of those is dealing with rejection. Thus the title of this thread.

I said something in here earlier on that was certainly meant as good will but it entailed an element that the person I was directing to saw fit to put a block on me...a long-time friend. Now that really hurts. Why my instance was so targeted makes me go back and ponder what it is I have done to have been so dishonoured.

That in a nutshell is what happened and I didn't deal with it the right way. It is my resolution to begin taking that kind of control in my own life and not allowing it to others.

I fully agree with your stance on this and is totally reasonable.

I can't control what others do but...
I can control what I do. This is the gist of this blog thread. Sometimes I show flaws in my own life so others can learn from them. I do not draw from any of the motivations of the one having done the rejection. If I've done this to mine own, I've satisfactorily done my part. There is essentially no way round resolution unless the other party is willing to sit at concessions.

Sometimes that just never happens and I have no control over it. Hard as it is, I find I must live my life anyway and not let it stop me from what I need to be doing.
Ty Johnson Premium
I agree with you, you can't control what others do only what you do and how you react to them