2012 - Day 006 - The Dumbing Effect of Consumerism

Last Update: January 06, 2012

The one post I had written in Blogger (and is still just the one post) was the result of being fired-up over things that, at the time, came together insofar as hidden aspects of what we know as Western consumerism.

Though, since the time I had written this, I've learned much more and my views about money and wealth has also changed.    It was extremely exciting for me to publish something on the Internet.  Other than a blurb on Ancestry.com and being on the AOL chatter (very short-lived due to some pretty rough people that were using it at the time,) this was the only other thing I could call "Internet real estate.

The following is dated but it reflects views that would eventually set me off on a quest....

The excerpt from my book begins here...

In May 2007, I was in the library when I started the blog mentioned above. I had just found an article, 10 Reasons Why You Should Not Get A Job, by Steve Pavlina. I was excited and angry at the same time when I wrote the following post, crude as it was...

?Dear Consumer:

I have a message for you!

You Are Being Made A Sucker!


There are four entities that bring this about. They are: the big merchant, the advertiser, the mass media, and finally the credit industry. They are ruthless, do not care one lick about you, the consumer, except how much of your wealth they can extract from your life. They just know that you will, if you are average, make about $1,000,000 in your lifetime of indentured servitude. You were born into consumerism and for the most part you have been lulled into believing there is no other way around it. It is your duty as a well-rounded citizen to get and spend. You were also led to believe it is not ethical to earn your income in any other way than the 40-hour per week hogwash they call 'wage-earning.' Be alarmed out of sleep to get up, get ready, get into the great work-day migration they call the commute, get to work, whatever you do, but don't like, put yourself into subjection to the masters over you, and earn your little weekly splat that represents only a tiny fraction of what you are really worth. You will be obedient, and be very careful what you say, never calling your master a jerk, in fact, pleasing his ears with assurances that you love what you do and can't get enough, when in fact, you hate it so much the steam is coming out of every orifice in your body. Give him your all, your day, your night, and so many more things that would make your head reel! You are not your own, you belong to the company you sold yourself to. So You Had Better...had better...HAD BETTER comply in every way or you will be evicted from your lifestyle!

Steve Pavlina's website at www.stevepavlina.com is a great start for Smart People.

This is my first web log. I have a voracious appetite for exposing the vicious tactics of the four nasties that are more a part of your life than you know. I will eventually do more writing on this subject to bring out more details about them. Steve's website will take you much farther than I can ever right now. So I am using this blog to point you where you will see what I have known for a long time but never was able to express what has been troubling me.

While you are at it, Smart People, let John Cummuta tell you about the perils of being a consumer and discuss how you can quickly reverse the ploys methodically used against you. Please visit www.johncummuta.com and explore life beyond consumerism.

A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste...consumerism does just that!

With love and concern,

Daniel Swart by euergaiou 5/11/07



This was the earliest settings forth of my book.  Only five days later I would begin writing...

Western consumerism can be good...and it can be bad...depending on what side of the fence you are on.  That's it for today.  Why did I write the book and what was going to be in it?  Tomorrow...tomorrow...



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