2012 - Day 011 - I Can Only Look Back and Laugh Today...

Last Update: January 11, 2012

Well, I know where I was in the writing of this book and what I was doing that day!  I thought hard about whether to keep this in the book or not and am kind of up in the air about it.  Being without income (or at this point occasional,)  it sometimes has to suffice being in a lowly position on a job with people half your age but in higher positions exercising their power and authority over you.

I had to include this here because it is kind of funny.  We all have bad hair days and for a rock-bottom employee (who does nonetheless very important work) can run into problems...even when Nature calls...


September 16th, 2009 was an awful day in the food court where I was working at the time. On top of a burning desire to walk off that job and never return, having knowledge of what I'm about to embark on here, I had gotten several reprimands for some really silly things. I found a news magazine on one of the tables and something on its cover caught my eye. I took the magazine to a table in the corner and opened to the article.

Strike one!

No sooner had I opened to the page when one of several of my supervisors came around the corner and caught with the opened magazine. In front of several students sitting nearby at the tables I was ordered to put the magazine away, that if I didn't have anything to do, he would gladly have me washing walls.

Not long after having gotten over the reprimand, I was taking initiative to move a table and seats out of an isle through which I moved my trash cart. Moving through the food court and getting close to the trash receptacles enabled me to make my rounds in this large dining area and make my work easier and more efficient.

Strike two!

To my demise, here comes one of my other supervisors - a tiny but plump outspoken woman who seemed to have nothing better to do than to put pawns back in their place to stay focused on what they are supposed to be doing - and what they are not doing. By her quick gait, long before she reached where I was at, I had this sick feeling that I was about to get pounced... Part of the reprimand was to put these back where they were and not to go through there with the trash cart. I was to continue walking across the floor, around the patrons and carry the bags back to the my trash cart in the main isle. What if they have liquid in them and leak?  "You get wet floor signs, you put them out and then you fetch the mop bucket. Understood?"

The icing on that day's cake came when I had to go to the restroom. The employee restroom was busy so I went to the one on the third floor.

Strike three! Yes, by this time, I wanted OUT!

When I returned to the floor, to my dismay, the same supervisor who made me put up the magazine, (bless his heart) was standing there, having seen me approaching. Something told me I was in for it...again..."Where have you been? I've been looking all over the place for you for 20 minutes!" Who was I to argue that I had not been off the floor that long. "Yes you were!" He looked at his watch. "You are to come find one of us first and let us know you're going to the restroom. We need to know where you are at all times! ...Furthermore, you are not to use any of the other restrooms [but the one designated for the employees.] Do you understand?" So here I am - a 50-year old man who is not to take initiative, even to use the restroom when and where I want (or need) to without proper authorization!"

A thought passed in my mind. "Just another day in paradise!" I intercepted that thought! "No, this is NOT just another day and this isn't paradise!"

Many of us have bosses like this over us. This book will cover important implications like this that come with many of the "no-glory" jobs that we find ourselves in. Do you hate your job? Would you like to fire your boss? Do you find yourself saying, "is this all there is?" ...and know it isn't? Some of you are saying, "There's got to be another way!"

Well, there is. This book will help guide you and it serves to give you the motivation to get up and start your quest. Further instructions will help you move through your quest to replace that boring job with an occupation that not only pays out excellent rewards, but certainly put satisfaction and fulfillment in your life! 


Since I wrote the above, I've learned much more about how people are wired.  Higher positions can make some people take the power that comes with it and let it go to their heads.  Others are more of the skeptical kind of folks and it isn't so much the position as it is their personality type...making it extremely difficult for those who work for that person to be counted above anything more than a machine.

There are tools for anyone with a mind which can be used to help them get more of what they want from others...even from difficult people.  At the time I wrote the above, these tools were relatively unknown to me.

They are the Art of Influence (not so much persuasion but these tools do have their place) and NLP (Neuro-ligusitic Programming.)  These tools deserve mention in my book later in the fourth section.  As yet, they are not there but are the missing components to my book today.  Who can use these tools?

  • Salespeople
  • Employers
  • Employees (yes, that's right)
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Lawyers
  • Parents

You get the drift...

Any small amount of the kind of knowledge I have today on this topic would have gone a long way in avoiding the above scenario at a workplace like the above.  This knowledge is empowering if mastered.  It is not devious in any way.  Not only can you use it to help get what you want, you can know when it is being used on you.  Most people do not consciously know these things (but by nature do some of them)  It helps you know more about the person you are speaking with.  Is the person lying to you?  Is the person interested in what you are saying...or is looking for the next available chance to head for the hills?  Great stuff!  Works in practically any situation...even when dealing with difficult folks...when mastered.  Over all, it makes you better at communicating.

Are they dangerous?  Yes.  They can be...if in the wrong hands.  Those such as Vlad and Hitler come to mind.  However, it must be remembered that these are to be regarded to be what they are and no more or less...tools.  A power saw in skillful hands can work wonders...but put the same saw in the hands of a clumsy person and you get a botched job with, perhaps, severe personal injury! 

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LordDemon13 Premium
Woaw, your book sure looks interesting! Is it available yet? :P
I'm not sure the book will ever be available. It's not getting a very good response here. I've been putting snippets of it up here every few days and lately, other than yourself, there's just no interest in that or anything else I've been writing here.
LordDemon13 Premium
Woaw, your book sure looks interesting! Is it available yet? :P
Labman_1 Premium
Fortunately for me, I never had, or possibly have blocked out, managers of this sort. Most of my working life has been with quite good management. I have however grown up in a household that had an active participant in NLP. After retiring from the church, my dad opened a hypnosis practice where he used NLP to assist with the Hypnotic pacing. In his hands this was a wonderful tool and helped many people to get better.
Very fortunate for some people that they do land jobs that offer good environments to work in. Most of my life, due to my own limiting belief system, wound up in rock-bottom jobs all my life...jobs nobody else wanted whether it be the work itself or the people running the show. You are also very fortunate you've had the support you needed to be all you can be. My parents really had no business having children. I have 63 brothers, sisters, half-brothers and half-sisters. My father was an alcoholic and my mother later became one. I came from a pretty trashy situation. There was no emotional or social support of any kind...something I had to learn for myself. This took many years of literally wandering and living in the woods. Very fortunate for me, I found the sources I needed to catch up. I admit, I'm still a handful but certainly have been noted for my growth. It really helped when I found an environment with love and caring within. I am in good hands today and learning how to function properly. Not all my siblings have ever had this chance. In fact, very few...that I know of. I do not know most of my brothers and sisters and the ones I do know I have a poor relationship with. But we must all live our own lives and fend for ourselves. We also must do what we can to help others in whatever ways we are capable. I've been in hypnosis sessions with my mentor. I too, these days am learning these wonderful tools. I've not heard of pacing but it could be I just don't remember what it is.
smokeywins Premium
I must admit your rehash of that day brought back reminders of when I was younger and worked in the less than stellar jobs. Being treated like utter crap, by management and sometimes even customers made me realize that was something I did not want to do for the rest of my life. But even now I still find myself dealing with another form of the same management arrogance that you refereed to. What is sometimes the hardest to understand is the fact that these individuals were in our very position at some point, yet they seem to forget what it was like to be the little person, what it was like to get treated the very same way that they are treating others. The good manager treats their employees with compassion and understanding for what they have to deal with on a daily basis, but sadly those managers are few and far between.
You got that right. The NEXT job I got was an under-the-table position washing cars for a Budget franchise. That was the WORST place with regard to hard-nosed boss I've ever worked. It got especially bad when I made the bad decision of showing his daughter my website last year...which contained information about being psychologically unemployable...and the details which followed. I had to actually remove the post or get fired. I've been fired twice from this job and hired back fifteen minutes later. Nothing in employment is worse than having to go to a job you absolutely dread. I was treated very badly and eventually quit because I couldn't take what was being dealt me. I was constantly held over the flame of being replaced if I didn't smarten up and get every bug off the front of the cars and not have a single water mark left on the windshields. That was my last job to date.