2012 - Day 019 - Mess & Success Do Not Mix

Last Update: January 19, 2012

I live in a small camper.  There was a time when I lived in a large apartment, but those days are gone.   I'm hopeful Internet marketing will bring about a renaissance in my life.  So far it hasn't, but I'm working at it.

Albeit, this bit is about order and organization...a single aspect of it, to be a matter of fact.

Why should I mention my camper?  For a number of years now, I've had to pare down what I own as I wound up going from one smaller, less significant living space to another.

No matter where you live, if you have a mess in your workspace, you will be that much more inhibited from what you would if you didn't have the obstructions there.

This couldn't be more true for the confined space I live in.  It's not much bigger than a bathroom or walk-in closet of some of you who own homes here.  Here I have to be more like a resident on a Naval vessel...there's not much room for the stuff I'd like to have...and it has to go.  The stuff I have certainly has had its part in making my efforts in Internet marketing that much harder to accomplish.

This is another distraction, but it's also extremely necessary it all gets cleared out.  No, it's not what you might think...I'm not living in squalid conditions, heaven forbid, but I do have too much stuff...too many projects going at once.  It's time to pack up the projects and work on them one at a time until they are completed.  Having a half dozen projects laying out, one on top of the other does this...

  • Looks bad.
  • Feels bad.
  • Doesn't help encourage the right mindset for working in Internet marketing (or anything else.)
  • Harder and more involved to keep clean.
  • It's distracting.
  • It's frustrating not being able to find things and sifting only makes it worse.
  • It's nerve-wracking when you bump into something and a pile of files or whatever topples.
  • It kills success in a number of ways.

I've had to take the time to put up what I'm doing here and get it cleaned up and put where it belongs.  It may not seem like a big deal, but a messy office, desk, bedroom, kitchen, or the passenger side of a camper...no matter where you do your online marketing, can have huge detrimental effects on how much you can get done in it...if anything  at all!

It's very close quarters in a camper and when I toppled a tall pile of CDs and they fell down into areas I couldn't get into very easily, it's time to stop...correct this problem once and for all...and not have such time-suck traps waiting to be tripped!  This is not to mention that some of the CDs came out of their cases and got damaged.  A camper is meant to be just that...something to go camping in, and not a permanent living space...but that's life sometimes.

If your work area is cluttered, messy, or even slightly out of order...clean it up and keep it up. 

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