2012 - Day 020 - How Do I Improve My Credibility?

Last Update: January 20, 2012

One thing I notice very quickly (but have indeed noticed for some time) is seeing some of the heavy hitters posting something in the Forum or here in the Blogs.  I've even found this to be so with the chat engines as well.  I have been trying to be helpful in this Membership in some of the areas I do know about and see as problems others are having.  However, very few...if any are leaving replies, let alone reading them.  I'm sure this has a lot to do with credibility.

Some post something and it gets tons of replies and generates ongoing discussions.  I've noticed when I've posted something about the same topic, though it did get a handful of readers at the moment, it had a very short life and went off the board since none of the heavy hitters posted to it.  This is not a good thing in the marketing world and is a very good lesson in why it is a good idea to have highly-respected endorsements.

In my goals for this year, I've been wanting two things here at WA:

  • Improved interrelationships with co-members, being helpful and a contributor. (good place to practice)
  • Get moving with the things I've been learning here in spite of adversities and adversaries outside.

By far, I'm no heavy hitter here.  I'm not even going to try to fake that.  It's not the case, though it is something extremely worthwhile attaining...both for the sake of my ability to face the world with credibility...and simply to have my message heard.

Both of the above points are extremely important.

The first is a prerequisite to the second, in my mind.  However, I'm going to start with the second because in my regard, it too, is a suffering aspect in my life...generally being organized, disciplined and on target.


I wrote a post yesterday about a problem I've consistently been having with organization.  Therefore I won't elaborate here.  It's all in the previous post.  The one thing I failed to mention in that post is that being unorganized goes hand-in-hand with procrastination...which in turn is spawned by many caveats of being disorganized.  In three words...

Nothing gets done!


I suffer here as well.  It goes hand in hand, once again, with my state of organization.  It takes discipline to achieve organization and organization to insure a more disciplined mindset.  I admit...I let my mind run wild and sometimes I go into negative, victim mentality.  I KNOW this is wrong, but I still do it.

Where I am in life has everything to do with this one thing alone.  For those of you who have given me insight about this problem, I have taken the instruction and wisdom to heart and it weighs heavy on me...because I know it's true.

Being On Target

There are right ways and wrong ways to do things.  Shortcuts are not the same thing as bee-lining.  In this, I mean we should not produce shoddy outcomes to gain results.  Invariably the results will be poor down the line.

Whatever it takes to do something right...do it at whatever time and effort that takes.

I've had help here last year but blew that profusely.  I'm being helped again with some of my campaign-creating issues and hope the one who is helping me has patience with me to get over some of the obstacles I'm having with it.  I'm perhaps not moving with it as fast as I should, but I'm dealing with other issues on top of working in areas I'm not familiar with.  I'm sure once I get through this, the next will come easier. 

On the second point above...this is where I really struggle, and it's where I really need help with.  So I'm here asking for advice on what I can do to help my credibility out.  I realize I've been asking these kind of questions for almost two years because I get easily confused trying to work wit these things.

Why I see this as a problem is quite obvious.  In the world outside the Internet, I'm thought of as a no-good. I'm hated by a lot of people who simply do not understand me.  I'm called lazy, one apt to take advantage of others, and a lot of other ugly things.

Those who have taken the time to get to know me know that I'm not that way.  I do have issues but these are not the issues.

I'm here at this Membership, not only for the obvious training I get here, but for moral support.  Folks, this is a new world for me.  After nearly a half a century in semi- to total isolation and virtually no social equipment, it's still new to me...even after being here for two years.  I'm not used to the social stuff.  Even now, I've got people close by telling me that whatever jobs I look for, make sure they are ones where I'm invisible to the public.

This is not the answer.  I know it, they know it, and hopefully at least some here know it.

As perhaps many here know about me, I talk about a lot of things...and perhaps too much.  I've driven some people away...even one of the heavy hitters here.  I'm extremely inexperienced in the art of being credible and for the sake of my own success within this Membership...and even more important outside in the marketing world, this problem needs to be fixed.  I'm not always as prudent as I should be in the face of the public and for this I do apologize...but one has to crawl before they can walk.  At my age, I have no time to not be thinking about these things. 

Thus far, the response I get here is a good barometer of the kind of responses I would get outside. 

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