2012 - Day 022 - Asked for Critique...Got It...Thanks!

Last Update: January 23, 2012

One of the most outstanding comments I've gotten from my Forum thread, "Did I Write Something Uncouth...Nobody Responding" was that perhaps I'm not reading the message the right way.  Time, the Blog here taking a back seat to the chat engine, my posts too long, and even my moving avatar being annoying to at least one person.

I removed the avatar and left nothing in place on the Forum.  I don't think there needs to be an avatar there anyway.  The critiques I've gotten are all taken to heart and then...

Here comes Jay.  Pot Pie Girl and Marcus also came on.

The gist of Pot Pie Girl is to create a public blog and put the content on there.

Jay's strong critique to put my time into the campaign he's helping me with weighs heavy.  I can't deny that this isn't time well spent when I should be working on the campaign.  I've resolved to make some changes here with this regard.

Marcus follows suite with Jay and adds that he would that he could write like I can, but I came back that I would that I had the kind of simplicity, common sense, amongst other things, that I could definitely use to balance out my gift of being able to write.

I would like to be able to help out here and get my campaigns the proper attention they need on a daily basis...before I wind up having to go into a job.  That has been a constant pressing against me to be out looking for a job instead of doing any of this.  I'm being pulled asunder in a tug-o-war betwixt.

My future writings here will be more personal and tied in with the things I'm supposed to be doing if I'm going to reach the goals I would like to complete.  A bit from Early to Rise, a bit from the posters who came to my thread will help me make the kind of changes I need to be making with regard to success.

The blog posts will continue but only in the evenings.  They will be to-do lists, done lists, and very much set up like a model in ETR.  I will, on some evenings, include a small snippet for readers in keeping with the advice from the Forum...keeping my posts about my book, etc very short and bite-sized.  Titles will be compelling.  My progress will be public and I feel this will help me stay on track. 

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