2012 - Day 024 - Reserve Top Priority to Mornings!

Last Update: January 24, 2012

There is great wisdom in doing the high-priority items first in the morning.

Employers know this and thus have employees come in, sometimes as early as 6:00 am, but usually 7:00am.  They know how to leverage the best of people, and for good reason.  It's when they are fully rested and psychologically so as well.

Speaking of psychology, unless there is something major, serious or on-going, the morning means a new day and the day's toils have not yet taken toll in terms of energy and readiness.

The mind works faster without the distractions the build up throughout the day.  This does save time when a person is fresh and can work through tasks faster and more efficient...provided that person has gotten adequate sleep.

This comes down to the last point...Early to Bed=Early to Rise (ETR)  A bit of great reading slipped into the morning helps exercise the mind and get it going.  Remember to read ETR first thing when arising.  Check email quickly and if something is on there that would require a lot of attention, let it wait until the major tasks are done...unless it is dire. 



Three Daily Habits...+Bonus Habit

  1. Make list of top five priority
  2. Work the list out
  3. Don't stop until the list is finished
  4. Create list for next day

Add a Gratitude and Achievement Journal to the list:

  • G.....I am grateful that there are people willing to help me in areas I need.
  • O.....John tells me of a job at one of the local hotels.  Not so sure this is an opportunity or not.
  • Did..What have I done today?
    1. Finished Front Page but still have work to do on social bookmarking
    2. Did research on instructional post.  Could not find the original video.
    3. Pipes were laid out.  Need parts.
    4. The vacuuming was done to drivers side.
    5. Laundry was hand washed and hung to dry.
  • Do...What needs to be done today?
    1. Go as far as I can with what I know to do on my campaign before Jay gets up.
    2. Put my first blog post there.  It will be about basic camera usage instruction/video
    3. Lay out piping for my hot water and fit them together. (This was supposed to be done)
    4. Vacuum out drivers side of this camper
    5. Hand-do laundry.
  • App..This morning's appreciation extends to Marcus because he sees the value of getting the important stuff done in the mornings...something I can surely relate to!  We are at our best when we wake up (and for some, after that initial cup of coffee.)

What are five things I accomplished today?

  1. I was able to finish up on parts of my campaign.
  2. With the vacuuming came the clearing out of the stuff stacked on the driver's seat.  Cleaner-looking
  3. I do have clean clothes to wear (when it dries.)
  4. Downloaded and studied Owner's Manuals for the GoPro camera
  5. Finished two pages:  Contact and Privacy Statement on GoPro site.


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