2012 - Day 025 - Distractions

Last Update: January 26, 2012

It might not be so much of a good idea to even look at email in the morning!  Getting an email from Sharon has cost close to three hours of my morning, causing me to begin my priority work in the early afternoon!  I was also shocked to see what time it was when I actually got up.  I lost the entire morning!

I did most of my work but not all of it.  Some things wind up not getting done.  I did not have what I needed to glue together the piping for hot water.  Not all the work cleaning the driver's side got done, though what has been done does make things look better on that side.  I cleaned the air conditioner.

By far, the worst thing that happened to day was the email.  G+ did not get done.  I also need to get my About page done at all.  This is important.  I did check Google.  My site is not showing up at all in 66 pages! 



Three Daily Habits...+Bonus Habit

  1. Make list of top five priority
  2. Work the list out
  3. Don't stop until the list is finished
  4. Create list for next day

Add a Gratitude and Achievement Journal to the list:

  • G.....I am grateful that I'm still alive and have the ability to change my life for the best.
  • O.....There's an opportunity I'm looking into now to see how it measures up to a real opportunity, not another scam.  I employ the art of critical thinking to such offerings and is why I've not shelled out the kind of money most people do in such offerings.
  • Do...What needs to be done today?
    1. Fix a problem with Digg, work on getting up a G+ account for this campaign. Posting to each.
    2. Put my first blog post there.  It will be about basic camera usage instruction/video
    3. Assemble pipes for my hot water in two sections.  If time, drive mock pipe under sidewalk & foundation.
    4. Dust and wash drivers side of this camper
    5. Hand-clean dirty socks.
  • Did..What have I done today?
    1. Digg was fixed and posted to, but G+ was not done
    2. First blog post was done, incl. instruction
    3. Pipe was fitted but not glued.  Mock pipe was not driven
    4. Driver's side was cleaned with glass cleaner and dusted in the process.  Door not done.
    5. Socks will be done tomorrow early afternoon w/rest of clothes at Donald's
  • App..This morning's appreciation goes to the Early to Rise Magazine because it was the very thing that began my journey.

What are five things I accomplished today?

  1. Competed another page of downloads of medieval music.
  2. Asked Donald if I could wash my clothes tomorrow in his machines.
  3. Lost much of the day due to Sharon misconstruing something I had said and had to explain myself.
  4. nil
  5. nil


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