2012 - Day 026 - The Need to Be More Disciplined

Last Update: January 27, 2012

There is one pressing issue that I have (and I believe a good many people in the US have) and that's lack of discipline.  I know it.  I know what discipline is and that it is something to be eschewed.  I have a mountain of things that are undone because I have lacked the discipline to get them done and over with.

Sometimes I put the things I hate doing first on my list because I simply hate doing them and they need to be done.  Of course, this isn't true with my campaigns, though there are even things there I'd rather not do.  As far as campaigns, I follow Marcus' advice to do them in the morning before anything else when possible.

Some are problematic and this eats up time trying to figure things out.  Because of this I wind up having to move unfinished items to the next day.  Other than this, it is hard to resist doing things I love doing but are not avid money-makers...which things need to be reserved for the end of the day when the work is done.

Even with this system, I find it difficult to keep on track...and discipline is the key to assurance that the work does get done. 



Three Daily Habits...+Bonus Habit

  1. Make list of top five priority
  2. Work the list out
  3. Don't stop until the list is finished
  4. Create list for next day

Add a Gratitude and Achievement Journal to the list:

  • G.....My gratitude extends to Kyle and Carson because without WA, I hardly thing I'd be anywhere near along in life as I am now...even though there is a long journey still ahead.
  • O.....Joey (landlord's son) mentioned to me that there might be some painting jobs ahead for me.  This will definitely help keep things like Aweber alive for me.  It also can mean having Jaaxy.
  • Do...What needs to be done today?
    1. Go through two WAbinars on how to set up a G+ Account properly and work alongside Campaign
    2. Add content to "About" Page.
    3. Get needed parts for piping and glue the pipes together into two workable sections.  Open panel and explore under house.
    4. Finish driver's side cleaning by thoroughly cleaning around door, jam and clean air cond. filter.
    5. Do all laundry at Donald's.  Do about 2:00 or 3:00 pm.  Have done before Donald comes home.  Do Blanket and the initial load of laundry, incl socks.
  • Did..What have I done today?
    1. Got part way through one of the WAbinars but was distracted today.  Never returned to it.
    2. Content was added to About page.
    3. I approached the landlord about getting parts for the pipe, otherwise, nothing done.
    4. The work on add'l cleaning to driver's side was not done.
    5. All laundry (except for blanket) was done.  The blanket is too big and needs to be done at the laundria.
  • App.  This morning's appreciation goes to the Elders of the church as they have been providing me the work to, not only keep up with my obligations, but stay in WA as well.

What are five things I accomplished today?

  1. Was able to talk to landlord about going to Lowe's to get parts for pipe and two new pillows.
  2. Having clean laundry may not seem to be a big deal...but it is indeed an accomplishment
  3. I was able to break the ice on how I'm going to settle up with landlord's son about work he has been doing with the scooter that had been donated to me.  He mentions painting at nearby apartments I may be able to do, not only to square up but also as a source of income when they get bogged down with too much work.
  4. nil
  5. nil


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