2012 - Day 028 - Positivism VS Being Positive

Last Update: January 28, 2012

Positivism VS Being Positive

I have found that "positivism" as I have been using the term is erroneous and a new term needs to be found, where positivism is far more to be deemed as scientific or empirical thinking...something indeed opposite of what kind of thinking I have been referring to...based on thinking so positive about something circumstantial as willing or manifesting a parking spot available before even reaching the place.

I find this, indeed something that I cannot explain on certain terms and though very bothered by it, I need to find the proper term for it.  My writing to Joan has been entirely based on the term, "positivism" though I've portrayed my feelings well on the topic.

I used the term, "circumstantial positivism" to mean what I said there and this could possibly be a match unless there is a better term for it.



New Additions to This Work

Plan B (In Case of Bad Weather)  Any outside work can be disrupted by the weather or other disruptions in the work here.  Also, not getting enough of the tasks done.  Cleaning the building and being out with John for an extended period of time didn't help here.

My WA Spaces Daily Planner & Gratitude and Achievement Journal

  • Gratitude:  
  • Today's Top Opportunity:  
  • What needs to be done today?
    1. Clean the church building.  (will take six hours.)  Ideally, be @ building at 6:00 am
    2. Get work at church building done before landlord gets up so can get parts and two new pillows shopping.
    3. Resolve getting G+ squared away.
    4. Get Google Analytics up and running.  It's just sitting there unresolved.
    5. Resolve to get door on driver's side washed.  Apply insect spray to entire front of camper to control the ants.
  • What have I done today?
    1. The church building was done but at 8:00 am and not 6:00
    2. The building was consequently not completed unto 2 hours later, but still got parts and pillows.
    3. G+ was not done
    4. Google Analytics was not done
    5. Driver's side door not cleaned or sprayed for ants, though some spraying inside was done inside on the seat and around it.
  • What Is My ToDo List for Tomorrow? (to be completed near the end of the current day.)
    1. Go to church.
    2. Do Google Analytics
    3. Do G+
    4. Look into Site Map and implement Google Webmasters Tools
    5. Apply new parts to pipe system (if time)
  • I appreciate the following Individual[s] because...  Joan DeBune We had a long talk about positive thinking.  Many things, including the history of Christmas were discussed today.

What are five things I accomplished today?

  1. Got John paid up for the burgers he got me last week.
  2. Researched and got needed part for fan in  carport.
  3. Now have two new pillows and the old ones will be discarded.
  4. Learned the lesson of being sure to prevent search engines from seeing my site until ready.
  5. Was taught to implement Google Webmaster Tools, that this would help spidering the site.
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Labman_1 Premium
I like the fact that you are setting yourself goals and targets. Don't be too upset if you don't get everything done. Life happens too. Keep up the good work Daniel!
I've been altering things here to accommodate the interruptions. I just carry the items not done forward until they get done. It's the only thing that can be done. A MAJOR disruption will occur coming up but I'm going to do what I can to work around it. I will be working full-time at a labor intensive job for two weeks and that will be the top of the priority over this time. It will ensure my membership here no doubt...if this whole thing works out. Thanks for posting here. I didn't think I'd get anymore posts for I have repurposed my blog to this, anyone coming here can see the progress setting goals and targets working out.