2012 - Day 054 - My GoPro Campaign Disappeared from the SERPs! AAARGH!

Last Update: February 23, 2012

My GoPro Campaign Disappeared from the SERPs Again!  AAARGH!

I realize right now I have not been working with the SEO part of my campaign.  However, I have been adding content, which is what I thought needed to be done at this point.

My site was showing up on page 19 of the SERPs a couple days ago.  Now it's not there in 70 pages!  None of the pages are showing at all!

I broke the front page article down because it was too long and I was given advice to chop it down and use the content in other places of the campaign...which is what I did.

I didn't thing doing that would make that much of a difference, especially since I brought the keyword density back up to par as it was.  The targeted keyword is now at 1.3%  I have LSI keywords in there as well.

So, it's back to the drawing board with the SEO of the front page.  When I do a search for the domain itself, the pages readily come up.  I noticed Labman's digg there too (thanks Craig!)

I have a lot of questions with regard to integrating G+ to the site, whether it needs to be all pages or just the front page, etc. 




Suggestion made via comment to put task content into tables.

I have been working bit by bit on an old project I had started over a year ago...my first contribution to the Wealthy Affiliate Training Area.  It is on the topic of working around employment and getting things in WA done!  The project is almost completed and will be published soon. 

My WA Spaces Daily Planner & Gratitude and Achievement Journal

  • Gratitude:  Even though I lost ranking in Google, the website is taking shape and I need to be thankful for that!  
  • Today's Top Opportunity:  I have the opportunity to completely de-clutter this camper to such it has ever been since I began living here.  Having been working on this for a long time, it is all falling into place now with everything having a home where it belongs.
  • What needs to be done today?
    1. Work on the clean-up of the camper and try to finish it out.
    2. Finish the new page on GoPro.  Start another new page or post and do some of the housekeeping there.
    3. Work on Larry's website and see if the Amazon Store can be resolved.  Try to get to Mike's campaign.
    4. Do Google Analytics, finish setting up the website and put a header on there in browns, oranges and yellows in the exact format as the AHSMD header.
    5. Do the section on AHSMD Report.
  • What have I done today?
    1. Work progressed on the camper today but it was not completed. 
    2. GoPro was not worked on today.  It will be carried over.
    3. Explored around the back office of Larry's Amazon site.  Larry has not gotten with me about the site so it carries over...  
    4. The new header is in place but work needs to be done with the code.  I will attempt copying the functions.php file to the new installation and hope it doesn't cause the site to fall apart.
    5. The section on AHSMD Report was not done today.  It will be carried over.
  • What Is My ToDo List for Tomorrow? (to be completed near the end of the current day.)
    1. Begin very early in the morning on the work in the camper!  Important!
    2. Finish the new page on GoPro.  Start another new page or post and do some of the housekeeping there.
    3. Work on Larry's website and see if the Amazon Store can be resolved.  Try to get to Mike's campaign.
    4. Recode functions.php file or copy existing file from AHSMD to AHSup.  Work remains to be done with the Google Analytics plugin.
    5. Do the section on AHSMD Report.
  • Plan B (To Be Done Should There Be Bad Weather or Other Interruption)
    1. Work further into the WABinars that can help me with my campaign.
    2. Go through books and store some of them behind AntiNicene Fathers.
    3. Work on clutter which is now mostly confined to the dining area in camper.
    4. Fix the microwave door so it is not so hard to open.
    5. Deep-clean shower area.
  • I appreciate the following Individual[s] because...  --

What are five things I accomplished today?

  1. Reorganized the shed and got rid of a few things to make room for suitcases and other stuff from under the table.
  2. The piping I'm responsible for has been checked for leaks.  All is well with that.

My Task Bank

Solved Problems/Problems in works:

Green Font Denotes "Done." 

  • Get rid of clutter from dining table and two benches.
  • John wants the house pressure washed.  Also part of this deal is some painting to be done in his bathroom.  This is a small project that can be done fairly quickly.  John wants the house and buildings to be pretreated with chlorine and Spic & Span solution
  • Dirty and dusty conditions in camper.  When the clutter problem is resolved I will be able to clean out this camper very well.
  • The breaker panel is missing a screw and it needs to be dusted.
  • John wants the roof pressure washed.
  • The books need to be gone through.  The less useful books in all collections need to go behind the Anti-Nicene Fathers volumes.  The rest need to go under the table.
  • All history materials can go into the compartment above the dining room table.  This will be its new home.  This will include cassettes, documents and photographs.
  • The remaining loose cassette tapes need to be stored in the shelving or in the compartment above the dining table.
  • Purchase new mp3 player or get an external speaker for existing one...or both.
  • Go through clothes given by the Witheringtons and put in closet those I choose to keep.
  • Suitcases and everything else under the table needs to be removed and put in the shed.
Unresolved Problems:
  • Clutter in camper.  Still working on the clutter.  Much of it is now in the cabinets which are now in place and functional.
  •  Eventually the carpet needs to be torn out and replaced with the wooden flooring I have in the shed.
  • Roof leak in front of camper.  The roof is still leaking.
  • Septic problem.  Run a septic line to the main line from the house and tap into it.  It will cost about $100 for materials to do this.
  • Support for awning coming off.  Take the pressure off it by putting the awning all the way up and reinstalling it to the camper by putting a bolt and nut through however way it can be done.
  • Hot Water Source #1 Install a tankless water heater for about $218.  The water heater can be installed above where the bookshelf is now.  There will need to be adaptors for the camper's piping to the conventional on the heater.
  • Hot Water Source #2  I am currently working on a pipeline from John's hot water heater to the camper.  This other option will be kept here but is secondary to this latest development.
  • Broken windshield.  It will cost about $200 to have the windshield replaced.  Someone can come out and do it.
  • Camper will not start.  Not only does the camper need to be started, it also needs to be moved slightly so the tires to not rot.  The battery needs to be tested and then charged if still good.  If not, it's time for a new battery.
  • Auxiliary batteries dead or not charging.  The batteries need to be tested.  They did not take a charge when I tried last year.  New ones need to be purchased if this is the case.
  • Shed needs to be cleaned out.  Any tools, articles, everthing not useful needs to be disposed of.  Not yet been cleaned out.
  • Lawn mower has no place to be stored.  It needs to be stored back where it was and covered.  It is now covered with the mop pail.
  • Lawn mower will not run.  Needs new spark plug and other work.  The carburator probably needs cleaning.  Also the blade needs replacing with the new blade I had bought but never installed.  This has not yet been done.
  • Charging unit in this camper not functioning?  Find out if it is the batteries.  The charging unit may be just fine.  This has not yet been done.
  • AC unit for this camper needs to be reassembled.  Try to get the AC unit working.  It will be used on the hottest days, or at night.  Found the components having been sitting in water on the roof.  It appears they are destroyed.
  • AC unit cap needs to be fixed so it can be bolted down.  Figure out how to fix this so it can be bolted down.  Else it will fly off if on the Interstate or other highway.  This has not yet been done.
  • The water tanks and entire system in this camper needs to be drained and sanitized.  The problem with smelly water seems to have been in the long hose which is no longer in the system.  Though this sanitization still needs to be done, having changed the water line has fixed this problem.
  • John wants a new sidewalk put in. 
  • John wants a rubbish enclosure built. 
  • John wants new shutters put up on the side of the house. 
  • John wants that area landscaped. 
  • John wants the rose garden weeded. 
New Problems:
  • Carpenter ants have done extensive damage to the roof and other places in the camper.  They are so damaged that they need to be replaced!
  • John wants piping checked for leaks.  The water bill was astronomically high
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Labman_1 Premium
Welcome. Ask Jay for a Ping. Keep working at it, give it a couple of weeks On second thought. Why not post the URL for everyone and ask for lots of pings. I'll give you another but I don't recall the URL.
One thing I need to do is bookmarking for a number of pages and posts which have not been done yet. I'm going to go after this Sunday or Monday and then ask for pings. My site is, http://goprohdherocamera.org Thanks for your help here!
As you've probably noticed following along, the huge list I had has been tremendously knocked out. It is about half the size or less than it was when I began posting it here. It's now getting down to the nitty-gritty with some pretty expensive things that need to be done. I'm going to knock out some of the stuff my landlord wants me to do. Some of it is now in the works right now. This phase will get me cleared up with everything I owe him. I'm way behind in life! Until I can get caught up with things, my campaigns will probably continue to suffer. A major achievement of course, is the restoration of order in my living space! That comes with a LOT of dividends!