2012 - Day 073 - Leaning Too Much on the Labor Side

Last Update: March 18, 2012

The good and acceptable way to get desired results is the slow, painful, arduous quest for steady employment.  The next is the required tenacity to hold oneself to a job, even though he/she hates it.

Of course, I do not share in the above sentiment. 

There is a number of passages found in Stuart Goldsmith (amongst others) that show how entangled we can become in established,organized systems.  I disagree with some points, but one thing is incontrovertible... others' expectations and ideals in how life should be lived, can interfere with real success.

By no means as severe as those of others, my situation is a "take it now for it is at hand," thus I trade my time for money, this condition often invades set strategies, then, setting other things around it in disorder.

Though employment is good for short-term gain, it is relied upon by most people as sole source of income...creating unprecedented perceived negative outlooks on affairs...and for many, the all-too-familiar entrapment known as "wage slavery." 

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