Day Off! Working on $1 Campaign Until...

Last Update: March 01, 2011

 I'm so PEEVED right now!

I awoke this morning.  The lovely day starts...the birds are singing...the sky is blue.  Temperature is just right.  I feel good, refreshed...ready to put in a productive day with my $1 Trial Campaign.

Wow! Even my Internet connection is working well!  I'm in 7th heaven right now!  I usually have a lot of trouble with my connection in the mornings...


Here comes my landlord making a bee-line to my door.  What does he want so early in the morning???

"Daniel, Your boss is on the phone..."

Uh oh!  Now what!

"We've got reservations and need you to come in and clean cars."


There goes my plans for today!

There goes my time spent in working on this campaign!

It's my only day off left during this event!  That is ABSOLUTELY the LAST place I want to see right now!

Yes, I do have the afternoon, but this kind of stuff really pulls the plug on how I look at this day psychologically.  My day off has been smashed into little tiny pieces!

  • That is the number 1 problem with employment...
  • You work around it.
  • You plan around it.
  • Sometimes you can't even plan around it.

It comes in and snatches your plans away from you!!


And you had better for the sake of diplomacy in keeping your job!  Your BOSS remembers well the day you were not there for him the day YOU wanted to follow through with your plans.

Sorry for this negativity, but  I started working with my $1 Trials Campaign here...and got on the roll with it!  Just started to...

Moral of this story:

Work your ass off right now with your campaigns!  They hold the key to your living life on your own terms later!

Do it!  One day, you turn that key and SLAM that door in your BOSS' face!  Just get on the other side of that door where you live life on your OWN terms!

Well, time to get my work clothes on, get on that bicycle and go clean cars!

Bye y'all

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sophia13 Premium
i hope you feel better soon Daniel and thanks for the moral of this story