Encouragement for Working-Class WA Members

Last Update: February 13, 2011

Beware, this is going to be a lengthy post (how predictable), but this should help people get up the incentive to move along with their campaigns here and realize their week-long weekends!  It's long, so skip and skim if you feel the need.  This occurred last year.  It is actually a chapter in my book but I don't know that I'm going to keep it in there.  It might be a little disturbing to some.

It's food for thought when you come down to all the reasons why it behooves everybody here in this Membership (who are disengaged with their jobs,) to work that much harder at living their lives on their own terms and not that of their employers.

Note that I had last edited the following chapter from my book about 18 months ago, if not longer.  Things in it are quite different now, but as for the content, it is timely...


Chapter 12. Pros and Cons of Employment

This chapter consists of the dialog between me and my landlord (one of my mentors) as we emailed back and forth in a debate over employment. I admit he did not have to say very much to get me fired up but what I wrote was not in anger (well, a bit peeved) but rather excitement and I whole-heartedly enjoyed writing what comes below. I dedicate this chapter to him as he does raise some good points. He habitually writes in capital letters and is not in any way "yelling." I have left it as it is to save a little time here and save the original integrity of his writing. I have not included his name in here anywhere for the sake of his privacy.

Some of the points here reflect my own personal position in life. Even though I have made the following statement before in this writing, I need to make it once again because it does apply. It is a year later since I have made this statement and it is still true in my life. At the time of writing this I'm still living below poverty conditions in a service oriented position. I'm no longer living in the house of the friend who took me in having been homeless.

At my job I push around a trash cart collecting the garbage out of the trash cans in a food court and in this way maintain my responsible service to the company I work for. Sometimes I help out washing tables and sweeping the floors. It should tell you that I'm with you as I write the observations I have found in this book. It is my highest goal to open eyes with this book so some readers can move on to a more rewarding and meaningful life than that of riding on the hands of a clock every day of the week.

I know what to do though it takes time to manifest changes in life. When depending on a limited income with such a low ceiling as in my case it isn't easy to break free from such a lifestyle. I will have a chapter devoted to this condition later in this part of the book. It is important that you realize you just cannot drop your job and endeavor to build a business. That's plain foolish and it is never my aim in this book to persuade anyone to do such a thing. Success rarely comes without preparations first. You must work around your employment and build your business to the point where it can support you. Then, and only then will you be able to drop your job! Some of the points in this section will also reflect my stance on this important thing. There'll be more on this later.

Now it behooves me to include the full details of this conversation here. I will begin the conversation as it unfolded for your consideration even though it starts with a long list of negative reasons why employment is not a good idea for some people who find themselves in it. You may not agree with all the points here but I trust you will agree with at least some of them. I have already covered much of what is in this chapter in previous portions of this book. However what is in this chapter will probably get you sitting on the edge of your seat!

That conversation starts...I was writing to a very dear friend of mine who does not see things quite the way I do. I had just written a large article for his website when the power went off causing me to lose the whole thing and all the time I spent working on it. One very notable problem I have quite often is that I get involved in projects I'm working on to the point where I get on a roll with them. Then the inevitable happens - it's time to put it all up and go to work. The article I had written was such a project. The power disruption occurred not long before having to go to work and it did upset me because I place a lot of value on the time I have off for obvious reasons.

At this point the email takes over...

[...] Sorry I am angry - it is one of the things I need to be tapping for. (the tapping here refers to EFT, a useful technique found in alternative medicine) I HATE wasting time above the energy put into it. I hate going to work! Grrrr!!!! You know that already. I want to use my mind and not have to put in the hours to mindless labor every damned day whether I like it or not. Yes, it provides income, I know. What a frigged trap I put myself in. And yes, I account for it now that I have learned not to blame others for what happened in the past for now I have my own mind that I once did not have. I can thank you partially for this as others have helped too. But you have had a great share in cracking the shell that was around me. Whether or not you agree on the implications of employment I know that others not choosing to see something invisible does not take away the truth about them and their existence any more than the fact that gravity or the law of attraction exists. I implore to you that this is not some "attitude problem" I have. What I learned just happens to be unpopular and relatively unknown by most people does not deter their existence if I should reword what I just said.

I realize what I know is not for most people. It is for those who are willing to look beyond the world of employment that may have not had the opportunity to see past it. I consider myself greatly fortunate for having found this education. It is my purpose. Again, it is not due to attitude problems, as many people think I have, and if it is, it comes from highly reputable sources and I am suffering through my current conditions which do contradict that what I envision myself to be.

My friend responded by telling me I needed to become more positive about my job.


I will include next verbatim how I responded to his short email... 

How can I get positive about employment?  Note: "They" in the following refers to "The Company."

  1. It does rob me of my time.
  2. It robs me of my energy.
  3. It controls me. I hate being controlled.
  4. My passions, interests and personal life get pushed down the priority list.
  5. It does nothing for creativity; in fact, it kills it, or at least diminishes it.
  6. I have to go whatever the weather, when I'm feeling under the weather, when I don't want to.
  7. They constantly shift around my scheduled time controlling me like a puppet.
  8. This makes it very hard to plan outside-employment endeavors. It controls what I do outside.
  9. It pays a fraction of what my services are actually worth, they know it, I know it.
  10. I'm below poverty and to get at the poverty level, ten hours per day would barely do it.
  11. Some of the people I have to work around are so uneducated it embarrasses me.
  12. I have to hear small talk all day which comes from employee mentality.
  13. I have to hear big talk all day which comes from employee mentality.
  14. I have to hear about sports and other mediocre thought.
  15. I have to hear about this one and that one and other gossip from small thought.
  16. I have to hear about enlightened conversations about that box truck that's supposed to come.
  17. I have to hear about this product, that product, and all the benefits and short-comings.
  18. I have to pretend that I give these things my most undivided interest and concern for.
  19. I have to hear about lotto, 401K, this one doesn't want to work, that one's milking the job.
  20. I have to hear fragmentary talk about political and current events derived from media snippets.
  21. But I hear nothing about issues that really matter.
  22. I can't just walk away from it.
  23. I have to say, "Sorry boss." for things I did that are not even wrong, and can't just walk away.
  24. I never get to even glimpse at the big thinkers. They're not to be found, or at least very rare. When they do come around, it's rush! rush! Get this done get that done! They're coming...they then walk through in a procession, take a few pictures and they're gone.
  25. I bear with puffed-up young managers whom the company has given a speck of power.
  26. The menial work bores the hell out of me (pardon my choice of words.) It drives me crazy!
  27. It is nothing short of mundane, and is for mindless people who feel better being caged up.
  28. Oh what a good pet you've been today! You get a red star next to your name!
  29. Don't ever put one near mine, if you please.
  30. It cuts up my days.
  31. It is now cutting up my weekends.
  32. They have the power over my destiny by turning the income dial up and down at whim.
  33. They control me like a puppet.
  34. I'm told what to wear, and when to wear it.
  35. I have to BUY, with my scant, pay uniforms I don't want to wear, and it's pretty expensive!
  36. I have to walk around with the company's advertisement on my body.
  37. I'm told what I can have and what I can't have.
  38. I'm told when to eat, sleep, and go to the bathroom.
  39. I'm told what I must say and what I cannot say.
  40. I'm told how to think and act, and what to think.
  41. I'm told I must conduct myself in a "professional" manner but not the income to match it.
  42. Never use earphones, mp3 players, ipods, or talk on the cell phone when in uniform.
  43. No educational materials allowed - only education allowed is company "higher" education.
  44. It is mandatory to sit through this "higher education" and what a joke this is!
  45. It insults my intelligence.
  46. Safety meetings on the same old stuff - back safety, slips and falls, and MSDS sheets.
  47. Propaganda about "Living the Brand - Orientation for Our Employees." Aaaaaaaagh!!!!!
  48. Must plan all of my personal life around employment. That's not easy!
  49. They make me sit in a review so they can tell me what a good or bad pet I have been.
  50. They reprimand me over the silliest things, like farting in a customer's face on accident.
  51. They leverage my compliance with fear.
  52. They leverage my compliance with ought of duty.
  53. They leverage my compliance with guilt.
  54. They leverage my compliance with a barrage of silly company policies
  55. They attempt to appeal to my emotions with diddly-squat pay raises and then cut the hours.
  56. They attempt to appeal to my emotions with stupid (yeeech!) company parties.
  57. They attempt to use guilt and sense of duty on me when I don't or won't go to these company events.
  58. The whole concept is so phony it hurts my brain!
  59. Employees are the most heavily taxed group on the planet.
  60. Everybody is telling me to adore what I hate because it does provide a little income.
  61. I've got to beg for more of what I hate doing! What a contradictory and unnatural thing here!
  62. Spend half my conscious time at it, in preparation for it, and transportation to and from it.
  63. It's very rigid.
  64. It's Income for Dummies. (not my own words but there's some truth to it)
  65. Must "look" busy at all times.
  66. I make somebody else rich - and I get crumbs.
  67. I have to live on the clock and that is making me very dizzy!
  68. I have to clock on.
  69. I have to clock off.
  70. I have been scored on how well I have been able to do this pathetically simple task.
  71. I have to do it again, and again, and again, and again and...(how predictable)...again!
  72. I trade my time and energy (and talents if needed) for a few dollars.

I could go on with this list but I don't want to make you sigh too much. To make the kind of money that it would take to make things right in my life and maintain that would mean I work more than a 40-hour a week job at the rate I am now going. I might as well just bury my passions in the sand and lay concrete over them. The only positive thing I can see with the job is that I am getting a small stream of income, just one, that just maintains (without mending and repairing in the equation) the needful things in my life.

That last statement is no different than trading a nickel for your little brother's dime because he thinks it is worth more being bigger. Companies know that time is worth more than money, but most people do not consider this. Why? Because time cannot be replaced or saved for later like money.

What a dull, monotonous, unfulfilled life it is to have employment the center of my very being. I abhor being jerked to and fro by the stupid mechanical (and digital) thing we use to chop up and regulate existence - the clock. Its chimes hurt my ears and the sight of it makes me sick to my stomach at times.

My beliefs about employment are set in stone. My convictions in the past are now defined though I would have a hard time expressing it still. I'm sorry. I'm not like everybody else and don't like people trying to force-fit a horse's bit in my mouth so I can be turned to and fro by some idiot at the other end of the reins.

Now, on labels for my stance in life, not limited to employment:

Call it anarchy, obstinacy, lawlessness, a worthless pet, contrary, abnormal, unnatural, ridiculous, belligerent, leftist, a resistor of authority, antisocial, disrespectful, counter-cultured freak, lazy, a bum, a left-behind, a no-good, a hypocrite, an outcast, a loser, mentally ill, sick (in the head,) rebellious, irresponsible, unreliable, etc, etc...etc.

I've heard them all!

I've been accused of lying, cheating, faking, conning, stealing, trouble-making, poisoning minds, being a bad influence, scamming, etc, etc...etc.

I've heard them all!

My reputation is shot, I've been beaten, tormented, shut out, shunned, hushed, silenced, disfellowshipped, terrorized, evicted, rejected and worst of all, misunderstood.

Just Because I Want To Be My Self!

Yes, these are all negative things.

I have very good reasons why I stand where I do. I'm no follower and I never was. My social retardation has helped make me live the way I do but social retardation is not the same thing as not walking opposite or in some other direction than the masses. When the test hammer comes down on the individual members of the masses, tink, tink, tink, tink, clunk! It just came to me. I get all the above from all kinds of sources. I'm not as I am just to be different, that means I wear some of the labels above. I do it because I am who I am and the vast majority of the individuals who make up the masses are absolutely scared to death to be themselves. Why? Their security is at stake. So they all stay in the box. They forfeit their individuality to great extent to fit in. I didn't.

My mother tied me to the house in a special harness and I still got out of the thing and went down by the water. I used to wander off when I was a toddler, so the story goes...

I have always been known for cutting my own path however unpatriotic that may be.

To suggest I do some of the things you mentioned in your email...that would make me a hypocrite because it forces me to cram myself into a mold that does not fit me. Will that make me content? No. It will not. I'm very discontent because I'm already jammed into a bottle. I hate the control, the rigidity, the constraints, the mediocrity, the poverty, the lack of creativity, the fading of dreams and visions that comes with employment. There's very little or no room for growth being penned up.

The hard drive on this computer once contained a Pandora's Box that maybe I should have never opened when I was at Donald's - but I did open it and it all the contents flew out, never to be put back. Perhaps it would have been better I did not assume possession of that box around Christmastime 2004. But I did. Little did I know what it was going to do to my mind, body and soul a few years later when I finally opened it. It hasn't stopped growing. What will it be when it blossoms? I am ever grateful I opened it! It opened my eyes. Think of the Beverly Hillbillies, and turn it completely opposite and you will have ME.

What do I mean? I have untold riches and wealth but I'm still in poverty. I've not had time to react to it. There's a whole other world that many people don't know about and I'm not sure you even do, but I suspect you can see it in part. You have even had a place in the promotion of my beliefs because some of the concepts you have taught me overlap with other individual's teachings in this other world. It is very real, it's tangible, but make no mistake about it...it's also very secret and virtually unknown to most people.

You seem to share the belief that employment is the only way to maintain a life. Only you know that and how you actually believe, so not to put words in your mouth, but because I don't share in this very common myth I am fitted with the above list of labels I wrote out. What do you want me to do with this knowledge? Should I throw it away and pretend passion for employment? Managers expect me to or else they say not happy with it? There's others who would love to have it! So they leverage compliance with FEAR.

For me, that means pretense.

I have to be very careful with what I know and I can't make moves too rationally or hastily. Big business and government do not want people to know these things because it would be dangerous to them. It is not for everybody, but on the other hand, it is suppressed from people who would use it for the good of humanity.

My apology: I'm at the verge of giving up with it and if I do, I'll die. It has intertwined with the very fabric of my being. Take it away and you take a vital part of me with it. I know what I know about employment and you choose not to understand it. The same goes with consumerism which you think I harp foolishly about. But I suffered for my own wrongdoing by opening my mouth about it to the wrong people despite having been WARNED about the consequences! Yes I was told to expect ridicule and opposition should I tell the wrong people about it. Even Jesus Christ said something to this effect. I told you some of it because I didn't think it was above you and I still think it isn't. It's not conspiracy or some counter-culture fad only for the use of anarchists. It is the backbone of people who have left legacies. It has also been used by some who turned the world upside down with it. Some used it for purely evil purposes.

But it must be mastered before it can be effectively used. Before it can be used the user must step out of the box and forgo security. That's where it stops most people. People do not understand that so they do whatever they can to force compliance to their mediocre normalcy. Am I sick in the head? Am I insane like some people think? No. I'm just very different and refuse to be just like everybody else. I'm tired of growing and having people with eager saws try to prune me. I've had enough of my branches sawn asunder and it hurts. I'm not happy about it.

So if I do change my perception about my employment - is that really going to make me happy? Yes, I'm doing it out of necessity, but I can't help that I feel it is drudgery because of the very nature of it. Rather than trying to make myself comfortable in my job and taking all the time to do that, I'd rather not get comfortable in it because a life is a terrible thing to waste, let alone the mind. We come here with nothing and it is certain we leave that way. But employees who live their lives out that way leave nothing in between and do nothing more than live their lives out in quiet desperation. I don't want that! I will not have it! I do not share in the mentality these people have and I mean to help those who have found the same Pandora's Box that I did. They're out there like needles in a stack of hay. It does not only take in the employment realm but other things as well. I will not get into these with you because you will resist it. Best left alone.

I planned on beginning the final article that is needed in the website but you caused me to write this article instead. At this point this really makes up an ebook. It let me put forth what I bottle up and is not meant to create controversy between us. This is the very reason I didn't think you would want your website to have association with content like this if I were to link to it. This is extremely mild compared to the red meat of these issues. I skimmed the surface to save from you having to read many many more pages. If I were able to write it a certain way it would become red hot and have very little competition. It would by necessity be ethically unbiased, contrary to what you might think I would write.

Because I have learned the negative implications about employment that most people will not open their eyes and see, I've been accused of being closed-minded. This doesn't take away from the fact that these implications are there. Most people want to see just the "good" side of employment because society dictates that it is wrong to view the other side which greatly outweighs the good it does. I'm not saying employment is all bad and that it doesn't have its place. It certainly does and nobody will ever have to worry about my thoughts and beliefs taking the masses by storm. It won't. But there are the few individuals out there as I mentioned before. Who's the closed-minded person here?

Needing this human domestication program, or wanting it, is two different things! Though by expediency I need it, I certainly do not want it and to say otherwise would make me a hypocrite and pretentious, neither of which I would like to be. Be happy that I know why I don't like employment. Most people don't like it and do not know why because they think they're not supposed to know that. Why should I learn to be content in it despite what I know? So if I have a bad attitude about going to work, you have read my apology (if you have gotten this far.)

I hope I have adequately addressed every statement in your email. I have consciously covered them all. Please pardon me for writing such a lengthy article. It took several hours to write out my thoughts but the hours went much faster in perception than the same spent in that dining room. I poured it out because I needed to. It is Saturday. It is raining. I would rather work on my projects now like I customarily do during this time. But time is drawing quickly nigh to the time I have to put it all up, go out in the rain on this Saturday morning and GO TO WORK. It's all because the company decided it needed to chop off some of my regular work hours during the work week (the income dial it controls,) making it necessary that I chop up my weekend. Do I want to? no, no, NO! It's pure control on their part. Do they insist that I use the weekend that is so sacred to me? Of course not. But if I don't (here's the fear factor) I won't be able to meet the demands of my obligations.

Boy, I'm just ecstatic about stumbling over myself to get there and wash dishes!


Here's his response to my long discourse on feeling as I do about employment:



My "Positive List for Employment" that my friend requested. And in order to think outside the "employment box," I had to think like an employer, so thus is my following attempt...

Dear John:

I could generate a list about what is good but it would be no where near as long because the benefits don't weigh out nearly as much as the negative aspects. However, through the eyes of an employer this will increase the list:

  1. Employment helps me when I have no other income
  2. Employment helps me meet people
  3. Employment helps me observe how other people behave
  4. Employment helps me with shelter otherwise I would be homeless completely
  5. Employment helps me learn how companies operate by observation

Three out of five of these can also be learned and endeavored through other settings

The other two can be endeavored by appealing to the state - not recommended

The rest of the list must be compiled if looking through the eyes of an employer. You have asked me to think outside the employment box, so here goes:

  1. Most people do not know the relationship between money and time
  2. Most people do not know the relationship between energy and time
  3. Most people do not know the relationship between talent and time
  4. They generally don't know that time is of higher value than money
  5. We know how to extract all kinds of value from people in return for some of our dollars
  6. They will gladly trade their time for money
  7. They will gladly trade their energy for money
  8. They will gladly trade their talent for money
  9. They will readily give all three for the exchange
  10. The masses are generally conditioned to accept low wages in trade for their time
  11. The masses are generally conditioned to accept low wages in trade for their energy
  12. The masses are generally conditioned to accept low wages in trade for their talent
  13. We wholeheartedly support our national mass media for setting up smoke and mirrors
  14. We wholeheartedly support our national mass media for keeping the masses occupied
  15. We know that mass media's role in this keeps the masses from learning our business
  16. Mass media knows this and we do too.
  17. We wholeheartedly support sporting events and entertainment industry for the same reason
  18. We know that government helps us by keeping people in line; we can govern in our own way
  19. They return favor for our employing the masses by giving us tax breaks
  20. The government knows it will recoup by taxing the tar out of the working class consumers
  21. We know that religion makes people more prone to guilt trips so we can use that effectively
  22. We know that religion teaches people to sacrifice so we can give them opportunity to do so.
  23. We know that people like to be "altruistic" so we will give them opportunity in our favor
  24. We know that people generally do not want the responsibility of leading so will lead them
  25. We know that people find it daunting to control their own lives so we can capitalize on that
  26. We know that American consumers can't resist instant gratification and that's very favorable!
  27. We know that most consumers are asleep and do not want to be aroused!
  28. We know that most consumers are easily manipulated and fooled because of naivety
  29. We know that consumer groups are even more easily manipulated due to group pressure
  30. We know that we can take advantage of Asian countries because standards of living are less
  31. We know that if we let out a snippet or two on a given issue makes employees feel important
  32. We know that group mentality is typically slower and dumber than individual mentality
  33. Most people do not know how business works
  34. Most people do not know how employment works
  35. Most people are wholly distracted by the media
  36. The media occupies most people's leisure time
  37. There is a difference between real and perceived value
  38. Most people do not know the difference between these nor consider them
  39. Government impacts people's lives in our favor
  40. Religion impacts people's lives in our favor
  41. Relationships impact people's lives in our favor
  42. Mass Media impacts people's lives in our favor
  43. The image of having 'bosses' over them as a necessity is in our favor
  44. We know that money controls people and we use that in our favor
  45. People generally do not know how to manage money.
  46. Good for us they don't know. It keeps them loyal and dependable.
  47. The Industrial Revolution has brought on timely sets of norms in our favor
  48. We can leverage people's physical abilities
  49. We can leverage people's money
  50. We can leverage people's talents
  51. We can leverage people's respect for us
  52. We can leverage people's time
  53. We can leverage people's knowledge even that which is perceived as "low value."
  54. We can leverage people's reverence
  55. We can leverage people's loyalty
  56. We can control them through force
  57. We can control them through fear
  58. We can control them through guilt
  59. We can control them through lies
  60. We can control them through sense of duty
  61. We can control them through sacrifice
  62. We can control them very easily through image manipulation thanks to the Mass Media
  63. We can control them through approval
  64. We can take advantage of their lack of knowledge
  65. We can impose huge volumes of company policies to keep them in line
  66. We can take advantage of them in economic crisis
  67. We can pay them as little as we can get away with this without incident.
  68. We can make them work more for less gradually
  69. We know that gradualism works wonders
  70. We can restrict them from engaging in too much communication amongst themselves
  71. We can use esoteric rhetoric on them to keep them from challenging us
  72. We can use exoteric rhetoric on them to make them feel important
  73. We can dogmatically change their beliefs
  74. We can appeal to their emotions through fashion
  75. We can arouse them through their ego and affect their beliefs
  76. We know how to get them to empathize with us
  77. We can form labels which they will readily accept
  78. We can get them to associate with our cause and live our trademark or brand.
  79. We can make the workplace safe and simple which appeals to them (and saves us from law)
  80. We can offer simple and cheap "gifts" so they think in terms of vested interest
  81. We can offer them opportunity to gain "experience" even though it is very specialized
  82. We can offer them security until we don't need them anymore
  83. We can insist 2 week's notice of their departure but we can dismiss them without warning
  84. We know how to launch rallying campaigns to rouse group sentiment in our favor

There are more but I don't feel like thinking them up right now as time is fleeting. I had my times mixed up. Today I go to work at 8:00 pm to midnight. Tomorrow it is at 11:00 am to 3:00. This will effect when we have our therapy session before or after work.

Yes employment makes me unhappy. Work does not. There is a big difference. I will work very hard if it means deriving income from it. Income is a general term. Wages is not a general term: it is a specific form of income. I don't like to work for wages because usually, if not always, means employment. I get miserable because I learned about employment's full implications. Others get miserable over it because they wonder if this is all there is to life. All the more for me because I know there's more to life than living to work to live to work and so forth. I'm trapped in a prison and can see the other life outside the bars.

Success usually does not happen overnight so therefore it is slow and takes tremendous work and self-discipline. It takes goal-setting, planning, and implementation, some of which I have not yet mastered. It leaves me with the expediency of having to fall back on employment whether I like it or not, and I just happen to not like it one bit.

I'm not against employment for the reasons that it is for most people. Business could not exist without it. It's just that I'm on the wrong side of the fence and I know it. I deplore being handled like a mindless brute like many other employees must be handled. I don't have to go into why I don't fit in this mold. You should know why. Most employees need to be constrained and controlled much the same way school children need it. The employees for the most part accept it as part of the routine because they have never developed beyond school mentality. It only stands to reason that these children leave school being used to this kind of restraint and have not learned true independence. I refer mostly to the laborers in the blue-collar work forces. Businesses therefore have to exercise having to control their employees in the same way or their employees would put them out of business real fast. To me, this kind of control is juvenile, is for juveniles, and I'm not in this group. My social retardation through the years overrode my intelligence and thus here I am! I am merely trapped in it and subject to it the same way everybody else is. I hate it!

Thus my response to your last email.


There you have it folks...Just imagine what would happen if I gave this text to my boss!  I think the hair would grow on his head and he would lose 150 pounds!

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I don't think I'd be too into freelancing. I do much better if I write on my own terms. Right now I've got a lot of problems I'm trying to get squared away. This has to do mostly with my environment and getting my landlord caught up where I got behind two months last year. I'm working that off doing stuff he needs done around here and then I've been doing what I can to optimize my living space. That's really important. I need a new wireless adapter. The one I have only works intermittently. It will be awhile before I can get my own and hopefully be able to upload stuff. Right now I can barely download...and most of the time these fail. When this resolves I will be putting the linkwheels to my websites big time! I 'd far rather write my own articles and books. In the long run I'd make far more money than to be freelancing. Right now I'm in a transitory stage in my life and so far things are going fairly smooth.
jatdebeaune Premium
I know you can write. But I don't know what your background is. Do you think you can get money by using your skills. I'm not talking about IM. You can freelance which will give you some freedom, and probably more money.