Expressing My Gratitude

Last Update: May 15, 2011

I had a post here about impending homelessness and asked for help.  That help came literally overnight and I went to bed with one of you having sent me $20 and a few others sending golds.  (I will do your articles when you send me the details and you are ready)

When I awoke I found an accumulation which has wiped out the rent deficiency I had.  It is now paid in full!

I want to cordially thank everyone who has helped!  This wasn't an easy thing for me to do and I hope nobody thinks any less of me.  Just to let everyone know, I'm working very hard on my campaigns and am determined to convert these efforts into consistent income and support myself without having to resort to employment nor in asking for help as I just have.

I did what I had to do and this was absolutely a last resort.  I've gotten a bit of criticism about doing too much of my writing in the Forum and WA Spaces.  Whilst this is a valid point, contributing to this Membership is probably something I won't stop at doing.

Albeit it will not take the place of monetizing my skills as I should be doing.  I am doing just that.  Some people can just hit it off almost overnight and get income from their achievements.  I admit I do have issues that have held me back and my learning has taken longer.  I'm very weak in some areas but very strong in others.  It has not yet equated to sales...but I'm working hard at it.

I realize this isn't the place to be asking for the kind of help I've needed but I didn't have any other answers for the problem and now, thanks to you all who helped, the problem has been resolved.  I will do whatever it takes to keep this from happening again.

Thank you!

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