Fell Into a Visible Trap I Should Never Have!

Last Update: July 06, 2012
I'm back.

My landlord left for vacation on Thursday, Two days later, I lost my Internet connection. It has been down since up to a few hours ago.

It knocks the socks off trying to keep up with things. Now that I'm back on, I am finding I'm two articles behind schedule. The horrible thing I just discovered in my email...

A little over a month ago I was trying to download something I shouldn't have been even messing with...it was one of those stupid things I have known for a long time now not to do...

Participate in a special offer in order to get a download page unlocked for an album with medieval music on it.

I chose to "try" Emusic. I'd been in this a long time ago and had purchased mp3s from there. That was fine in itself except that instead of unlocking the page, it sent me to another requiring three offers completed! NO! NO! NO! I quit with it right there and then...

I did walk into the trap however and even worse, created the account and did not record the details. Last month I tried to cancel the trial. I could not figure out the login. I can't use their customer service link because I can't get into the account! I've tried to canceling through PayPal but it isn't found there anywhere.

It's coming out of my bank account.

It did last month and it rendered the account negative. Bank charge! I had to borrow money to pay it. It put me behind, and still owe that person the money. I could not pay him back when it was time because of the storm that passed through here last week, which did not allow me to finish a roof job and get paid for it.

[Not playing Blame Game here, simply ranting. Priority is (and usually is) the issue here.]

I got very involved in things here, and finally went into the 30/30 challenge, etc. I knew this issue was still unresolved even though I cancelled the email subscription. My days have been very busy and this Emusic thing went to the back burner. Before I knew it again, just a few minutes ago, found the Internet working...and found an invoice from Emusic waiting for me in my email.

On there is another charge from Emusic. Yep! My bank account is not yet charged, but by the time I'm able to get paid, it's going to over charge again! Another bank charge on its way because ... yes, behind the eight-ball again! There's not a damned thing I can do about it...but...it is what it is. I think, this past 12 months, I've picked up on taking these things in stride because they always seem to work themselves out as long as they are dealt with.

Here I am, now in the red again, and the month has just started!

I am trying to detonate my rocket of success, but it keeps phizzing out! I have, not only keep lighting it, but having to stop and keep repairing it! Will I stop? No.

It's been up and down for months. It's been this way since I first began here. I get so angry at myself for letting my guard down. Since this is the third time with a bank negative within 60 days, this has to be fixed immediately.

After all this, I never was able to unlock that download page. I do not have that medieval music to listen to, instead this same song and dance that keeps on playing over and over. That's the only album of music I got out of it.

Two words of warning here!
  • Gotta Have That Download? Some sites will put you through the wringer. How many special offers will you participate in before the download unlocks? DON'T! I didn't even THINK these existed anymore! There will be more behind it. The last time I did this was in 2004! It was one of the first things I did on the Internet, not knowing any better...but now there is NO excuse!
  • COPY what you type into a submission field PASTE it into a log. Date each record. Keep in a secure place. (alt method: Type all proposed details into the log. COPY details to fields and submit.) Relying on memory does not work (for the average person.) What I keyed in and what I think I keyed in are two different things. Trying to figure out passwords and user names causes a lot more lost time than we may not care to know.
There's nothing I can do with the new money issues, but just get cracking at the articles again and not let it interfere with my current project.

My 17-article campaign is almost completed in writing. I actually find I'm sitting well with articles, being one day, going on two behind schedule. They do need to be published, but I need to wait on that since this is a linkwheel, I need to be publishing them in reverse so I won't need to republish them with their linkwheel links added. I find it uncomfortable writing the sequence in reverse. Publishing them in reverse allows for one-time publishing, but I will nave to publish, wait, get the URL, apply to previous article, publish, wait, get URL, apply to previous article...until the loop is complete. Some are already published but I needed to have waited. I thought of this and it was also suggested to me to do reverse publishing.
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LordDemon13 Premium
No problem Daniel ;)
Next time you need to find a "Contact Us" page either 1. Scroll down and search for it in the small texts or 2. Lookup their WHOIS informations
I'm rewriting this again! That login screen keep coming up and preventing me from replying to comments. This is becoming a daily problem! Just to let you know without the details, I acted upon your reply and hopefully this gets sorted. The system here is supposed to be set to "lifetime" login. This login popup isn't supposed to be appearing at all unless I actually log in manually.
LordDemon13 Premium
You can submit a billing inquiry at " http://www.emusic.com/support/faqs/billing-inquiry-2/ " or address them your login issues at " http://www.emusic.com/support/login-issues/ ".
I hope you'll be able to stop theses payments...
Thank you very much for these two links! I'm hoping one of them leads to where I haven't been yet. When I go after this, these links will be the first in my arsenal to repair this problem. I knew there had to be an online way to reach these folks. I have to leave here to use a telephone...another time suck, because the nearest one is in town...and it's a pay phone for which I don't have the cash for.
Shawn Martin Premium
You probably have to cancel and reopen your bank account. this will stop the process, or at the least contact your bank if they let you and have them deny payment. SOme banks will not do the second option, good luck!
As I expected, it would be pending by daylight...and it is. No matter if I close the account, I still owe the bank for it now. It isn't for very much, in fact for the smallest package of about $12, but unfortunately, I'm having to count every cent these days because I live on $500/month for everything, though a tad better than last year. I'm certainly working on changing this scenario and not be right on the edge every time something like this happens.

Even doing a stop-payment won't work because that costs twice the amount I am already paying.

Let's face it...I'm flat broke. What's new! It's not going to stay like this...not as long as WA exists.
ThomasPaul Premium
Hey Daniel,

If you've made an honest attempt at contacting the company and trying to get them to stop the charges then I would take it up with the bank/credit card company.

You said that they can't find your email address in their system. You need the email address to cancel the subscription.

Do they have a phone number or email address for support? If so, contact them through those means and ask them to stop charging your card. Ask them what you need to do to terminate those charges.

If they have no visible phone number or support email address to contact then I would go straight to the bank/credit card company and explain the situation. You signed up for these downloads initially. You do not wish your credit card to be charged anymore. You've attempted to contact the company to have them stop charging your card, but they do not have a clear method of stopping the charge and no phone number or contact email address. Due to all of the above reasons any future charge by this company is unauthorized and you do not want them to process any more charges from that company.

If this is going to put you in the red continually each month until it's resolved then I would think this should be your priority even if it takes away time from writing articles.

Just my opinion.

I'm going to look into all of this today. Honestly I have not put in the required time to do this and then it simply slipped my mind even though, in the back I knew this needed attention. Last month simply flew by. Why it's not accepting the email address I don't know.

I will be looking for a phone number because I am getting mails from them at that address, yet they say it isn't in their system. I have to call them from a working phone. Nonetheless, it seems every time I get into something, it's got to screw up somehow.

Right now I'm really after getting my article series completed. I now have the first of 17 articles resubmitted to SA. It has the link to the next article in series. There are only two articles that have not been written into yet. All the rest are awaiting the next phase of development...editing, adjusting in G+Drive, moving on to Rapid Writer for SEO and finally into SA for its say so on the article.

I'm waiting for it to get republished. It will be the first final done.

I am now working on one of the articles up the line from that one. The one directly in succession is the first article in the series. Working backwards, I must write Article 16, which is now partially-written. It will have the link to Article 17 (which is now in the queue for republishing. When Article 16 is completed this hour, or the next, I will move on to Article 15 and repeat the process. When I get to Article 14, it is simply a matter of an edit check, and add the link to Article 15. At that point, it's an interaction between SA and myself. They publish, I submit the next. Once this is completed, I will break it down into two projects going on simultaneously...Write articles for the next series and optimize the current set. This is social bookmarking, backlinking from platform sites and following the instructions throughout the 30/30 Challenge to get all those in place as they apply to the current series.

As for the payment coming out of my bank account, it's too late to stop it. It's already pending. I now own it and need to get the music account itself straightened out so I can at least get the downloads I paid for and then close it out. It will eat into my time, but needs to be done.
Apina Premium
Did you get a contact mail from them? if so you can reset your password by going the Sign in at the top and then clicking Reset password below where it asks you for login details. It will ask you for the email you used to sign up with.
I know the email that should goes there, but it says the email is not in their records. I know there is an easy fix to this, my problem has been more of a time issue than anything else, and with so much on my mind, it's easy to forget about...it got by me another month. Of course, having my Internet connection going down on me, sometimes for several days at at time certainly doesn't help, and it seems every time that happens, I get on and find surprises I'd rather not have. I have to buckle down with Emusic and deal with it before it causes any more problems, even though it's going to take time to get the downloads that I got coming to me and get the hell off of there.

As for Emusic, I have a really sneaky suspicion that it isn't Emusic I'm dealing with. If this is the case, I will need to start dealing with a fraud issue. These places make communications so exclusive that if it isn't their problem, there isn't even a way to inquire, that I've been able to find.

I had Emusic before. It was a great service. I just don't have the extra money to have it. Emusic has really exploded my music collection, especially in the electronic/synthesizer music that I love.

As it stands now, both Jaaxy and Aweber are due. Emusic was not what I had in mind to come along and wipe out what I had just put into my bank account to accommodate Jaaxy and Aweber. I will get paid for the roof, but at this point, I will be paying bank charges rather than the two things I REALLY need!
Almost lost my previous reply. The page hung but did go through. My connection is failing again. Hope it is back when daylight gets here...see you all later, no sense in fighting with it. Will only frustrate me. good night all... Have Google Drive now. Will be working on my articles offline, so at least I do have that now. Thanks Jay for showing me this resource. It is a GREAT tool for those with bad connections.