Finally! GoPro Appears in SERPs...

Last Update: May 19, 2012
One of my posts is showing on page 8 of Google and the other which is showing is on page 30.

It's a start! I will paying those two posts with frequent visits and seeing why those are ranking and not the others. They might be ranking for other keywords I have on them. I thought of this last night. If so, I need them to rank for my targeted keyword as well.  

As for my camera, the scandisk did arrive yesterday. I had not opened anything yet as of this morning.

My GoPro HD Hero2 Camera is now complete enough to get it together. I will write a post showing the adventure of getting the camera in the mail up to now. The video will end with this. All of it was shot with my Nikon CoolPix.

That little camera has been with me since a friend bought it for me in the late spring of 2004.

It has taken thousands of photographs and movies. For what it is, it was a great little camera.

Just the other day...after having had it for so long, discovered it has a setting for continuous shooting...something I could have used many, many times over since getting the CoolPix.

The photography from this camera has been satisfactory.

Now having everything I need to start, I will be creating my first video (a ride through the golf course and surrounding neighborhoods on the scooter I recently done major repairs to and improved transportation.

I have a YouTube account. It will begin seeing activity.

As for the campaign, I need to get back to what I was doing to boost it.

I will do a video (must be with the CoolPix camera until the end of that video, when the first GoPro camera shot occurs.
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Sielke Premium
Sweet, I'll definitely be checking this out. I know its been a long time coming for you to get the go pro up and going.