Finding Underlying Issues with SEO; Rejected Article

Last Update: April 27, 2012

My second article to Street was rejected for issues with the links. Despite my efforts to create an article that is totally content based, I was not sure how to form the links and in my efforts to not make them promotional, it fell right into that. Even after having read the documentation in Street Articles on it, I'm still not sure.

It took me considerable time (2 hours) to figure out why I already had a sitemap verification (found an .xml file with a similar number already uploaded) but could not find the email address I used for it. Upon breaking down and just re-verifying the site again, it show under the email account I used to do this a previous attempt at verifying the site. It reports 88 days ago and it was this was the email account I used. The site was not coming up in the list of verified sites (in fact, none of them were until I verified, and if by magic the two sites having been verified came up (includes the new verification and that of a different site.

Finally! I have my sitemap submitted to Webmaster Tools. Thanks Neil and Mark, who brought this up in their comments! This will help make those graphs start going up!

During this excursion, I found, in the stats, that the average visit to my site is about 2 seconds. There are a LOT of bounce-backs! People don't seem to be liking the site. Though there are a few unique clicks, most of the clicks to this site are not.

I have begun writing a post for underwater lighting for the GoPro cameras. I thought this necessary as the rejected article had links to the camera itself rather than the lighting kit, and the link to the front page seems rather off topic, so the solution is to promote the lighting kit as an accessory to the camera, rather than the camera itself in this instance.

This is great for further down the Course, as it is work already done. I then, need another article for the landing page besides the one already approved.

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TJ Books Premium
I've had a few articles rejected which I corrected, I thought, and they were rejected again. I let this happen twice then I just move the article over to EZA. No use beating your head against the wall. John
I found EZA to be more of a hassle than it was worth, thus stopped submitting there a long time ago, back around the Panda issue. I actually hated it because of the long delays, etc. Another thing about SA is that they do notify you as to the offense, where EZA really leaves that up to you to figure out. Their EG is bad in that regard as well, requiring members to read between the lines. I tried to submit to SA thinking in terms of EZA. Guess they're quite different in how links are done. I really thought of EZA as quite a nightmare.
TJ Books Premium
Remember that it is not your job to sell but to give relevant information which will warm the reader up to clicking on your affiliate site. John
I fixed the article. It is exactly what they want...purely informational content and I went through some of the articles on there to get a better idea how I should do the links. The article did get approved today...that's two new pieces of content for the campaign! Actually it's three...I created a blog post for the rejected article because I could see linking to a camera when talking about camera lights could cause a second round of rejection, so before anything could be said, I went ahead and made the alterations. If it's anything like my website is doing with regard to how long people stay on it, the articles too, will need improvement in writing so it is compelling.
TJ Books Premium
Just take a look at other peoples articles to get the drift. NOT: Join wealthy affiliate today! O.K. Affiliate marketers have much to learn before they earn significant income. (link to your site "much to learn") John
They got me on putting the term, "best" in the link. I simply just did not think of it but know very well this is a buying term. I think looking at other approved articles will indeed help me get a better handle on putting in the right words and not inadvertently create promotional ones. Thanks John. I think I will take a look around and see if I can get this detail down, so I don't have to fret every time I submit an fact, did my article pass this time??? ... ... ... Not so quick as the first article. It's still pending...