Good-bye Negativity!

Last Update: December 30, 2010

I had a fast Internet connection.  Food wasn't a problem at all.  The shower was nice and hot.  There was a washer and dryer right there.

 I moved there in April in hopes that I would be able to put all my time into Internet marketing and come out of there with a nice car to drive home in.  I would be making all my income on the Internet and would never have to worry about working for a company ever again!

 I had great dreams and visions - my house would be a gleaming white two-storey home with a Doric columnaded front with all the Roman majesty in classical architecture.  There would be a nice garden around the home with statuary and a fountain.

 But this dream remained as elusive today as it was when I first envisioned it.

Once again the cold, hard reality that I would have to give up most of my time to making someone else rich has borne down upon me again.  There's no escaping it this time around.  It's either do it or lose everything I've got and live on the streets like the others digging in garbage cans for scraps.

At my age, it's not very far off...but I had other reasons to leave that scene...

Back to Florida

Yes.  I've left the place in Toledo, Ohio where I was staying.  It was great that he took me in after I lost my job in February.  Without having gone on that trip I would not be anywhere near as far along now with Internet marketing as I am today.

But my writing...that's what killed my efforts.  People say not to be perfect with your writing...but if it's not's a waste of time.  The Clubs here in the Membership did give me a blueprint to work from.  Jay's WABinars fortified that training.  It was icing on the cake for sure!

But the Clubs also made manifest the serious handicap I have in my writing.  As soon as I discovered it I changed gears.  I got way behind on the second campaign I was doing for STF during the second run of the Clubs.

The family of the person who took me in was growing impatient by the day with seeing me sitting in front of a computer day in and day out, all day...instead of getting out there and looking for a job like good citizens are supposed to do.  Impatience turned into indignant glares and reached the point of animosity to the point that one day I almost got dragged out of the house and beaten up by the angry next door neighbor.

I had to leave...QUICK!

I could not even wait until after New Year's Day.  Even my host had strong victim mentality.  He had a habit of cutting himself down and rambling about how unfair life is...why he had to be poor...and to burn everything so his greedy family would not get anything from him when he passes.

Indeed this man who took me in (bless his heart!) was already dead and waiting to be buried!  I could not take this poison anymore!  Far beyond the threats I've gotten, the dismal surroundings in which I did my work, the incessant commotion going on almost every day near that house, and the animosity I was getting towards me from people who did not (nor cared to) understand just what it was I was doing...the negativity that was bursting out of my host was beginning to breach the high wall I had erected against it when I discovered what I had gotten myself into!

There's one member here who I now owe my greatest thanksgiving for putting wheels under me and ushering me out that door and through the one I had just passed through.  I know you wanted this kept in confidence, but you know who you are.  You've put the seed inside of me to get home...and that seed has germinated...It could not stay in the husk anymore!

By Far I'd Rather...

Struggle without a shower, toilet, heat, air conditioning, hot water, an awful wireless network connection, cramped space in which to live and work, and have to come up with funds for rent and electricity to live in this old camper.


The bus lines are far from here.  So are the laundrias.  I owe money to people around here.  My reputation really stinks around here for not having life skills down...but

All these things can be fixed.  Yes, I will have to return to that I'm back in Florida.  I have a couple very good friends here who get right behind me and push.  Athletes need people like these...they're called coaches.

One of the greatest lessons I learned on that trip to Ohio was that though I created all the time I needed to get somewhere with Internet marketing and had all the conveniences most people take for granted, the one thing I did not have...was the support I needed to move forward with my life.

That trip to Ohio turned into a much more expensive trip I had ever bargained off that support and coaching for what I thought would be easier living.  Only there did I realize the kind of value I left behind.

I have so much to be thankful that I had the strength to hold up against the kind of negativity I had subjected myself to.  I firmly believe that even though I will have to go back onto a job, I will get much farther with what I know now.

It's so good to be home!

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I seriously hope that I can make things turn around. I have no resources to get around. This camper is a huge mess! Here it is a Monday now. I should be out there looking for a job. I'm going to write a new post to this blog today. If I can stay in here, I'm hoping to use this blog, no longer to try to provide literary value here (because some of it just wasn't and is why I deleted it.)

Instead, I'm hoping this will be a record of that turn-around. I'm not empowered until I'm able to implement what I've learned here and in those self-help books. Potential energy has no power until it becomes kinetic.
jatdebeaune Premium
That's wonderful Daniel. This is the year to turn it all around. Great start to the year! I send you all good wishes.
WRI Premium
It seems you have found true empowerment. God Speed Daniel. :)