Hats off to Kyle & Carson!!

Last Update: April 22, 2011

Is it another blog post on the woes of employment?  Hardly!

I've very exciting news!  I firmly believe a make-over for my life is coming very soon!  In fact, I'm now rounding the corner and on home stretch!

A lot of the way things are right now is certainly due to providence.


Purchasing a Course in 2004

This was the "Auctions for Income" Course you might have seen on the late-night infomercials.  Like most people do with courses like this...learn what's in it and then do --nothing!

Albeit, push came to shove and when I sought out more information on this topic, I began running into the "make money on the Internet" bandwagon.

I got hooked!

Things went very slowly...so painfully...

I got very ill...lost my job...my home...wound up in some very harrowing, perhaps the lowest points of my...ever!

I was dying in my car where it was sitting.  i had to cut a hole in the jungle to hide it and myself.  I waited to die there...it was coming...but my will to live was too strong and I went for help.

I was taken in by a friend from the church.  That led to more doors.  One day the neighborhood had a street-wide yards sale.  Haven somewhat recovered from my illness I partook in it.  At the end of the day I explored the other yard sales.  This led to...

Dr John Benitez

It was for him I resumed my interest in Internet marketing and began building a website from scratch...using technology from the mid 1990s.  Wow!

That's a very hard way to build a website...but it's all I knew!

Time came when I had to leave my friend's home.  I had a job and he wanted his life back.  I don't blame him one bit.  I obliged and moved in with someone who turned out to be some of the worst trash I had ever been with!  My illness returned with a vengeance!

I lost my job and my home again!  It was a time straight out of hell!

I was a mess when Dr. Benitez took me in.  In three weeks he nursed me back to health where I spent the entire time on his sofa trying to get my strength back.

My treatment came with hypnotherapy and talk therapy.  It didn't stop there...helped me get rid of many of the social and psychological issues that were keeping me in a real prison!  I have been living here in an RV since.

Given a wireless adapter, my work began once again. It started on an antequated computer I bought used back in 2002.  Not long after having come here to live I accidentally stumbled into Wealthy Affiliate...

I did not have the funds but I looked at this site back in early 2009 longing to join.  I lost contact and eventually forgot about it.

I had been involved with some other membership sites during this time and one day near the end of the year that something-or other Affiliate...I think it was something to do with being rich... came to mind.

On November 20th I was so perturbed by the fact that I was just beginning another weekend but that before long, this weekend would share the same fate as the others before it...it would be blown to smithereens and it would be time to go back to that wretched workplace again!

I searched the Internet trying to find it.  I couldn't quite remember the name, but enough to where I finally found it. It was Wealthy Affiliate and I found the website...the sales page.

Once again...where was I going to get up the money for that? Alas, I ran into something that caught my eye like a magnet...something on the SERPs page that indicated Wealthy Affiliate for FREE???

I found that listing and went into it.

Being so poor, I found Marcus' WealthyAffiliateForFree.com and really thought I'd be getting in here for free!

Not quite, but joined his newsletter subscription and learned enough about WA through that site and the publication I downloaded from his site.  I knew this was it!

Kyle & Carson

I'd heard of these names before but wasn't sure where.  The real blessing in my life at this point was these two having created the Wealthy Affiliate University Membership Site!  I had no idea what was in store for me a year and a half later --no idea!

On December 22, 2009, something awful happened.  My hard drive failed!  That was the end of it.  It had been acting up and that was the day it gave up the ghost!

The following day I was back online with a computer only one-fourth the resources my dead one had!  It was awful!  I began the long arduous task of trying to restore my lost data from back-ups.  That was the beginning of a six-week quest through data recovery hell!

On December 24th Marcus sent a broadcast that really fried my ass!  I simply did not like it and I unloaded on the poor guy!  Little did I know that e-mail was going to be the beginning of real success for me!  I was so severe and Marcus was so apologetic for having offended me that he removed me from his list.

His e-mail made me realize what an awful mistake I had just made!

We found each other!  Marcus has been my mentor since...and I could not have ever asked for a better friend and mentor!  The next few days we got to know each other and on January 1, 2010 I finally joined Wealthy Affiliate University.  I made sure I was in his roster.  (I don't remember why I wouldn't have been on it.)

My Hat Goes Off!

By the time I had the hard drive failure I had already had six websites published...of course, all of them just sitting there in all their glory doing ...

You guessed it...


Today they are still void...but since I joined I've been growing in social stature and improving on my challenges.

I learned why I've gone about this whole thing the wrong way.  I knew nothing about keywords, let alone anything else...except how to build web pages and slap them up.

It's now been well over a year since I joined and what I knew the day I joined and what I know now is like night and day!

Despite my on-going challenges, changes are now very imminent.  I owe this whole thing to Kyle and Carson for having put this site here!  I would have never met Marcus who has been so wonderful to me and absolute asset to my learning here in the Membership!  Not only has Marcus been willing to work with me in all my challenges, he is a great asset to this Membership...and I've said this before.  There are quite a number of people here...way too many to list...who make this Membership the best on Earth!

I'm now without income again.  As you know I had quit my job.  I couldn't stand it anymore!  I've got people on my ass right now to get out there and  find another job.

I seriously don't think I'm going to have to.  My income is just around the corner...and it isn't from working for someone else!

Thank you Kyle and Carson...


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Hello peoples! I haven't been around lately. I have been laser focusing on some very important projects...ones you will probably hear about soon. Right now I'm very under the gun having dropped that job...but I'm working on something right now to replace it. @ Dressage Husband. Yes...I've been in the 30-day club...the first one that debuted...and the first STF Club that debuted. When I can get my income problem sorted, I will be resuming where I left off. I'm doing everything I possibly can to avert the employment rubbish! The main part of my project is now 99% out of my mind and on the computer! So there's progress going on!
jatdebeaune Premium
Hey Daniel, I like the rainbow thank you. It says it all.
Robg1 Premium
Yes the value here is not in the tutorials but in the community for sure. That is worth the price. Just keep plugging away!
I would suggest if you have not already done it get up the confidence and do the 30 day WA and or STF courses and stay working at the same speed for a year. If you do not earn 10 times what your boss paid you, I will be highly surprised.

Focus on all the positive aspects of WA and what it can do for you and I expect to see you in Vegas when I eventually build up to the same speed as you. You really have a great story to tell to motivate others but put in on a link page and drive people to it if they do not buy from a more positive landing page. My experience is that the positive gets more traffic, but the hesitant often need to see what might be if they do not act, and the sooner they do the better. Use what the *#@!ard gave you in terms of new energy and direct it well!
Labman_1 Premium
I hope this means that you are getting traffic. I'm glad you kicked your unstable boss to the curb. Keep in mind that without some sort of income life is tough although I think you have first hand experience there. A JOB is a stepping stone. WA is a life. You know this. Thanks for venting again. Keep it positive and I'm sure it will come together for you.