Independence Day Comes as a BANG!

Last Update: July 06, 2012
Today is indeed Independence Day. I am no longer dependent on the small income I've been getting. It has been the best it could be...a job that only takes a few hours a week to complete and get paid fairly well for it...going out the window.

[I actually started writing this the day it occurred (July 4) and realized I had not finished or published here it is belated.]

I was called into a meeting Sunday, and the axe came down. Why should this be of any surprise. It isn't. Nine out of ten jobs I've had since high school have ended this way.

Not much to say now but to start adapting to it right now. How I use my time in the coming days is really going to matter, therefore a serious projection into the coming days. If I can't manage to make some sales over the next 30 days, I get thrust back into the realms of bum-hood again.

I am now trying to go in all directions at once. I was honored the month of July (and I've known this when I wrote the above yesterday. Putting my hand to articles is not easy this morning.

In spite of losing my job in August, I must cling that much harder to WA because I know it works well. Once again, I'm dangled directly above the reals of homelessness again. I can't let my landlord know I've lost another job. It came without warning, though something about it caused me to triple my efforts here and is why I am writing many more articles than I have. It is still in spurts and I need to make this unbroken and very regular.

I have another campaign that has been consistently staying on the first page of Google for three different keywords, probably four...the targeted keywords in both associated websites and both, the doctor's name and mine. My name alone dominates two or three consecutive SERPs pages beginning with number 1. This used to be the famous Greek king, 'Euergetes.' That name alone (without the 'Daniel') will still be dominated by this ancient king.

I have some New Resources but was hesitant about publishing them because they really don't directly have to do with Internet marketing, though indirectly. I have the one invite and hope that person stays in, not only for his/her good, but that it helps a little bit with my income.

The one thing that really irks me is that, trying to work in this and spend much of my time here and in related things, doesn't sit well at all with those in my immediate environment. This is why I can't say anything about job loss to my landlord. I will be fill with "I told you so." (plural) The first thing in that meeting that was told to me, in the minute long session, was that I've been given the month of July for income and am expected to "find full-time employment."

Folks simply have no faith at all in what I'm trying to do, and that, because it is different than the "norm" I'm walking out of step.

After the work I did so far with articles, I found my place in Google has dropped off. I was, at one time, ranking on Page 6, now it is on Page 10 - if I add 'review' at the end. If I don't put that there, it is out of the park again.

My ranking at WA increased though, which is encouraging. I'm beginning to get responses for my articles.

This isn't one of my most spectacular days, in actuality, those are really far and few in between.

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muskyblood Premium

Sorry to hear about this. Time to go big. Put everything you have into your IM campaigns. Write like you know how to write, get some traffic, and get some sales coming in. I know you can make it happen. I am pulling for you big time.

This is definitely what I'm after. I'm going to make it with this or I'm going down with the ship.
Shawn Martin Premium
Keep the faith and stay true to what you believe in. If I can help in any way give me a shout.
I'm pretty much over the initial shock of it. Now, it's just plug along and plan my days out very carefully.
Hudson Premium
Dan - don't give up! I have been where you are and it hurts but keep a positive attitude by just looking for any good thing which happens each day - the sun coming up, the birds singing, go for a walk and smell the country air (hope you're not in the middle of a big City). Little by little things will improve, All the best, Hudson
I've been spending too much time already just roaming around. I know, once I get over the brunt of this, things will go back to normal. This has repeated so many times, I am almost callous to it. However, it always causes concern, as there are times when all has failed and I wound up with no place to live. It keeps cropping up and I wind up expressing it here. It's not the best topic to talk about. Albeit, I have no other outlet because of the mentality of most folks outside of WA.
robh Premium
All the best from me too! Stephen's quite right - attitude (and persistence) are so important for sucess. Ignore the naysayers and carry on regardless!
This is what most of the rich folks say. It isn't easy to follow advice like this when under these kind of circumstances. It's easy to read about and visualize, but when the rubber meets the road, that's when most people shrink. Being aware of stuff like this is like carrying a shield. I chose to pick up that shield and use it for defense against naysayers. How long I can hold it up becomes the question. It does interfere with my ability to stay focused because these things keep coming to mind.
WErRush Premium
Hey, good luck, man. Keep your head up, and think BIG. Attitude is a major help in doing anything. Also remember, WA is full of all the people that want to help, so if you need anything, you know by now to just ask around.
Over the last two and one-half years, WA has been the only source of support for me in a world hostile to trying to make a living in unconventional ways.