Keep Your Mouth Shut! (Kindly said)

Last Update: March 07, 2011

These were the words of my dear friend and mentor.  I pass them on to you for very good reason.  Poisonous people can really damage your efforts to go beyond mediocrity.  A sore lesson has been learned!  My WA promotional site is now out of operation.  The story and the lesson below...

My Job Again!

Yes, today was another awful day at work!  It was the worst day yet!

I can't put all the details in here of the day because it would be too long, but one thing led to another.  I got reamed out by my boss again for stupid things!  Something happened today that was not even my fault but it left me wide open for a hashing!

In the anxiety of the moment I accidentally called my boss "Don" again.  Wasn't thinking, and it slipped out!  Before I knew what I had said he suddenly said, 

"You're Fired! "

I evidently slipped up because "I've got no respect for my boss...and think I'm better than he is."  This is what led to the website.  He had read my writing on it and concluded that I thought I was better than other people...including him.  It was a long bash-out until I had to admit that he was better than I, and that I am a hypocrite.  I am not very smart and think I'm something better than I actually am.

Instead of firing me, he riddled my mind with his controlling machine gun and then told me to get out there and wash cars.

So if it makes him feel better, I had to remove my website to shut him up...if that even does.

Is My Website Really Out of Operation?

For now, yes.  But it is not removed from the Internet...just invisible for now.  The home page is now a "404 Error" page.  I turned off the "Include Pages" for all my pages and blog in the menu and turned off the everything else visible.  I created a new "Ceased operations" page and changed the header to a fake 404 Error page.  I'm not getting any kind of traffic to it now anyway, so what harm will this be?  Just so long as my boss, in his curiosity from what I said today goes and looks for it...will see that the "page you are looking for doesn't exist."

I have to play his little game for now...until I can find another job.  Here's the moral of this story:

Do Not Disclose Your Treasure to the Wrong People!

I had to be diplomatic to get this job and get some income.  It's a lousy car-washing job for Pete's sake!  The work is not hard but I've been walking on eggs since my boss saw what I had written in the pages of Yabba-Dabba-Dooo.

My interview and what I wrote there do not add up!

The very worst thing I could have ever done was disclose my website to these people.  This has been festering to the point that when I do make a mistake, I get pounced on quite severely.

My boss is out to show me just how small I am and what insecurity of employment is all about.  I had no idea the element of fear was going to become so great!

For the love of what you are doing, until you get to the point where it wouldn't matter who knew about it...including NOT disclose what you are doing.  It CAN cost you your income!  It can be any day now for me unless I can find something to replace this job.  I did awful on the $1 Trial promotion so for now I've got to look to employment...bad as I hate to!

In the excitement of having created my home page totally revamped through the help of many here in this Membership, I had forgotten that I had damning dialog in my About Me Page.  Employers do not want to hear about "Psychologically Unemployable" after you've indicated otherwise in your interview (in pretense, of course.)  This does not mean that I would not provide my best service under employment when it is expedient, but that is not believable to an employer.

I'm going to say it the way it was said to me by one of my mentors...and it was blunt but very true...when it comes to things your employer or fellow employees would not understand...

Keep Your Mouth Shut!

You will be far better off!  Just like they say about Church and State (to use perhaps not a very good illustration...but makes my point here...) as an employee, you must live your life on your employer's terms.  Keep your personal aspirations and passions separate from your job...unless your job is your passion and aspiration!

So now my website joins the ranks within the invisible Internet.  It has to stay that way until I can leave this job position.  The two are not mixing very well.  My very style of writing is putting my head on my employer's chopping block.  For now I'm in the stocks!

By all means, promote WA and any other niche you are in!  Do not underestimate some people!  They can wreak havoc on what you are doing because they, in some way, think your endeavors are a threat to them!

All I can see in my boss is that he is very insecure!  What I said in that website, though falls on welcomed ears in places like Wealthy very threatening to an employer if he gets the notion you are trying to think for yourself or live life on your own terms!

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jatdebeaune Premium
Despicable boss! Everyone should try to better themselves. That should be respected. People are taking any ole jobs now just to pay the bills. PHD's are washing cars. Our economy has displaced many. My grandfather who was a humanitarian and a self made millionaire with having had only a third grade education, used to say "Don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing". Very wise.
I have read a couple of your posts and here is a hint or two. First I have been in exactly the same position as you only in my case it was a newspaper round that was never going to pay.

Here are the hints, if you feel that the boss is wrong for you and he is a bully he is! so surround yourself with people who think like you do, and get out of there as fast as you can.
Second when you write for the web remember that it is not erasable that is copies can and will be taken and can be used against you. So always write things that your mother would be proud to see you say (Kyle - somewhat paraphrased!). Always write things from a positive slant and make them relevant to a potential customer. In this case the unemployable comment would always be left out as it could be misconstrued and lead to a loss of sales.

I would suggest you do the 30 Day WA Club and stick to the exercises Marcus gives to the letter, and continue promoting in exactly the same way for a whole year and then come and blog me with your results! If you do not earn more than you ever would from cleaning cars then you should quit this too as you obviously can not understand the concept of relevance. However if you can bottle your anger and I think you will when you find out how much fun this is then you will have $350 breakfasts too! See my blog on WA.

Best of Luck and neminem illeggitimi carborundum (don't let the bastards grind you down).
That job position has severely cut into my personal life. You can see that by going to my website today. Yes, my boss knows I'm smarter than he is. He's seen that website. Albeit, he's the one who holds the key to my finances right now. My quest now is to set myself free - first, from that situation. What it's doing to me right now? Could not sleep when I went to bed last night. Awoke at 4:00 this morning...not to see anymore sleep. It has been on my mind since this last incident happened. What is all this over??? A mere $32 per day! Sometimes I don't even make that! But then it comes down to no income at all! There's something I'm not doing right here. In spite of all the training, the WABinars, I've not made a dime! Yes. I know now why that position was available. The guy knows a few jots in Craigslist will get him another sucker! I know it. He knows it. He can be very hard on his help because it's something any high school student can do! I left a shoelace in a car, rushed through another one because there was a customer waiting...and then his credit declined giving my boss the opportunity to choose...of all cars, that one to drive in later. I got reamed! It was a bad night...restless one, broken dreams, tossing and turning! I thought I had it made. A simple job close by, four hours...enough to take care of my obligations and be able to work on my Internet marketing. It turned into one of my worst employment nightmares! I don't even know if I'm going to be going back there again...but I'm trapped right there for now.
Meadow Breeze Premium
You are surely smarter than your boss, and he knows that! Your day will come, just play the game their way for now and when the time comes you can set yourself free!
Labman_1 Premium
Makes you wonder why the position you filled was available. Or not.