Kyle Gives Me a Handful of Keywords for My Campaign

Last Update: May 06, 2012

Kyle Gives Me a Small Keyword List for My Campaign

Having almost lost this list to the scrolling of the Chat Engine, I spent considerable time trying to reach where it is (due to the activity.)  When I got near it, sections of the replies kept repeating themselves during the scrolling and it almost wasn't worth retrieving them, but I did and here they are.  They will be the topics of my next seven articles in this campaign!

(1) quadding
(2) Hiking trips
(3) Wakeboarding
(4) Snowboarding/Skiing
(5) Motorbiking
(6) Street Biking
(7) Caves

Up to now, I've been in the Chat Engine more than usual and have fixed a lot of issues with the website.  I have been tinkering on one of my others and found a great keyword to start a new campaign with.

Used as a local marketing campaign, this is the stats for "massage Tampa:"

Monthly Searches: 1042
Competition:  178

SEO Power:  81

I thought this was pretty good, one of the better I've seen in a while, so I snatched it up.

There was still a domain left...a dot org!

My landlord's office is in with folks who do massage and this will be the one I would be promoting. It will help my other campaign because it is located in the same place. (Google Places)

I've made some awful errors.

I saw something in the pinging log that wasn't even there, so caused quite a ruckus over nothing.  I first failed to update a blog post and lost my content, leaving the original list of words from which I chose some lsi words for the article and tags.

Jay was not impressed with this, as the post (list of words) got indexed quickly due to the pinger.

My course of action was to make the post invisible to the search engines.  Tweaking plugins and doing what I did to the search engines, turning off my post, earned me a couple rebukes.

I wrote the blog post and put it right again with the search engines.  With the three WABinars having been gone through, I'm back to the 30-Day Club where I left off.  The seven keywords above will help me create about 15-20 pieces of content for the campaign.

Anything right now, at this point to get this campaign ranking and up where it needs to be so I can monetize it.


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kyle Premium Plus
Sounds like it has been a pretty productive week Daniel! Nice work! :)
I can't say that much for today and yesterday, but it does come in spurts. Hoping to mark time tomorrow. I've started with the keywords for "caves." It starts with a story about my trying to get my grandfather to take me to Howe Cavern in New Yourk.

I have been spending considerable time in the WAbinars the last week or so. I've not seen quite a number of them and need to. I've watched some of them more than once. I do have my spurts, but I'm really serious about this.

I've also been working in Simpleology (Mark Joyner) They're pulling all the courses off the market. They're going to do something different, but probably still called "Simpleology." These core courses cover everything from nutrition to leveraging, and a number of other issues, such as thinking like an entrepreneur, etc.

Sad they're taking these off.

I found Mark Joyner before I got my first website online. He is known to be the one who invented "ebooks." He is a net pioneer.

My earliest book from him is "Mind Control Marketing" (MCM) When this book was taken out of print, USED copies in paperback were going for as high as $5,000! Joyner re-released the book as a PDF with a "Missing Chapter."

These courses go very well with WA and complements it in my life. In order to be able to see the rest of the courses (they go for $97/course,) I joined for a free 30-day trial. In two days, any of the courses not purchased will disappear from my account there (as everybody elses'.) I can't possibly go through all that material, so I'm getting all the downloads, etc for each module and then recording the videos. (this is what the audios come from.)